Gamer 2.0: Part 3

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Chat gets no response so he continues. "Here, I'll show you," He takes control, selecting Anansi while Gamer 2.0 chooses Stormy Weather.

Ready? Fight!

"Cyclone!" A huge gust of wind pushes Anansi back and off the platform but no announcement was made for the winner so Stormy weather checks over the edge to find Anansi hanging off the side with her webs. "Surprise!" She spits webs in Stormy Weather's face, steals her umbrella, and flings her to the ground. 

Anansi wins!

"See?" Chat says before asking if Ladybug was ok. "Chat Noir I think I forgot how to play." "Ok, I'll take care of this," He takes control again and starts a match between Lady Wifi and Timebreaker. Lady Wifif quickly won by freezing Timebreaker and pushing her off the edge. "M'lady the best way to win isn't about knowing how to play, it's all about loving to play," He starts another match between Zombizou and Horrificator as he continued his explanation. "Playing is the best way to do something you'd never do in real life. So have some fun Bug-a-boo and Gamer won't have a chance to beat you," Ladybug mumbles his words and takes control again.

Evillustrator vs. Volpina. Ready? Fight!

Volpina summons mirage but Evillustrator draws a fist, punches Volpina off the platform, and wins. "Oh, that felt so good!" LB squeals as she starts having fun with her matches and started winning each and every round. Both soon exclaim happily, "I love this game!" (I wanna play it) "May I remind you this is not just a game," Gamer 2.0 says angrily. "Hey, you're the one that wanted us to have fun." "I think we're ready for the final boss. Stop hiding behind your toys and get in the ring Gamer 2.0."

"I am the final boss but how are we gonna figure out who'll battle me," This confuses the two and he explains. "Well, I'm sure you'd agree that two against one is very unfair so the only way to know which one of you will take me on is if you two fight each other!"

Ladybug and Chat Noir are transferred onto the platform but even after the match started they both just stood there, staring at each other in shock. "What are you waiting for?! Start fighting! If you don't, everyone will be imprisoned forever!" "We can't let this happen," LB says worriedly and Chat gives her a smile as he starts walking to the edge of the platform. "You know I love battling by yours and (s/n)'s side M'lady but I could never bring myself to fight you." "Chat Noir what are you doing?!" "Giving you some extra time," He winks before falling off the edge and shouting, "I trust you to bring me back!"

Ladybug stands shell shocked as she's declared the winner and given Chat's miraculous. "You're the one that wanted to get this over with. Now since this is the final battle, in addition to your own superpower you'll get to pick four items from your inventory though I wouldn't even bother if I were you cuz I'm going to beat you no matter what," He taunts while Ladybug looks over her options.

"You know what? I'm taking Chat's advice, I'm taking my sweet bug time." "Happy you're enjoying the game." "I'm going to enjoy winning this game and by my rules. LUCKY CHARM!" She's given a bag of flour and Gamer 2.0 starts laughing. "What a noob. Are you really expecting to beat the creator of this game with a bag of flour?" "With a few other items," LB admits, choosing her extra powers. "Give what you've chosen, precisely in one minute and thirty-six seconds you will lose."

Ladybug vs. Gamer 2.0. Final Fight!

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