Timetagger: Part 1

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Author: As I said in the last chapter with the introduction of Bunnyx and time travel the show has messed up its timeline mainly through Chat Blanc but Timetagger has its own problems. So here are some things to note.

1. The bunny miraculous is OP, making every miraculous obsolete because why not just stick into barrow figure out the solution in the future and come back so as a way to make it less OP I'm adding a time limit to how long you can be in the past before you disappear from existence so 5 minutes before you have to go back but because of the rules of miraculous and because it makes sense when in burrow time is slowed down. 

2. The time travel system is broken mainly in the fact that the writers don't stick to a time travel theory. The Artistic Aloubell on YouTube explains it better than me so I'll leave her video here but there seems to be a mix between Multiverse, Closed Loop, and Back To The Future theories at play which you can't do. (For the video she only explains the Multiverse theory and Closed Loop because at the time those theories were the only ones present) For my story, though I will be sticking to The Back To The Future theory where there's one timeline, and if something is changed in the past the future/ timeline changes from the original timeline.

The Artistic Aloubell's explanation of the broken time system: 

3. This point is really just to give credit to The Artistic Aloubell because she explained so well what the problem was helping me figure out how to fix and because she gave me the concept/ rewrite I am using for this episode so the concept/ idea/ rewrite belongs to her I only own the execution of the concept that she didn't use or go in full detail about so please go show her some support because she has also helped with Chat Blanc so you will hear about her again and what's wrong with Chat Blanc

The Artistic Aloubell's Timetagger troubles and rewrite: 

Ok with all that settled I present Timetagger:

Original future timeline:

"Thank you have a great day!" I exclaim as I wave goodbye to the last customer as they leave the bakery before turning to Tom who had just pulled out a fresh batch of croissants from the oven. "I know I've said it multiple times but seriously thank you, Tom, for hiring me, I really needed this job," I exclaim happily and he chuckles. "Well of course (y/n) you've been with us for so long it would've been wrong not to and Sabine and I enjoy the help now that Marinette is busy with school and her fashion career."

As if on cue Marinette comes tumbling out the door, shoving her laptop into her backpack, toast in her mouth. "Gonna be late again?" I chuckle out and she shakes her head, "Surprisingly I have some time but I wanted to be ready just in case. How have you been settling into your new apartment with Luka?" She wiggles her eyebrows and I roll my eyes.

"It's been busy but I think we've got settled in pretty well," I say when our attention turns to the door as the bell jingles, and in comes Mélina. Mélina was a former classmate back in school and part of my and Mari's school girl friend group along with Alya, Chloé, Rose, Juleka, Sabrina, and Mylène. Mélina had grown to be a beautiful woman with long brown locks of hair, and silver eyes, perfectly complementing her honey skin, and she was currently in her stage costume, top hat and all.

"Got another show today?" I ask as she approaches the counter, nodding. "You know how it is, no rest for the magicians." "But isn't today your birthday? You're turning twenty, you should be allowed to take the day off," Mari exclaims and Mélina chuckles handing over some bills which I take, and handing her, her usual blueberry muffin. "I'll be fine as long as I'm having fun and as a bonus, I finally get to be as old as you two," She says with a wink before heading out, Mari soon leaves as well and I get back to work. The day trudges on as normal, selling and baking pastries when my phone goes off for an akuma alert. I pull up the news as Manon appears on screen. She had decided to follow in her mom's footsteps.

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