Hack-San: Part 4

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"Honestly we're just tired of fighting Shadowmoth and figured the best way to stop him for good is to destroy the miraculous, that's all," I sarcastically droll, earning me a glare from Robustus.

"What she means to say is yes. We're not giving up until you release all people and objects you've captured then I won't have completely goofed up my first and last mission and the real Ladybug won't be so mad," Scarabella corrects me."

"Works for me. Now give up."

"No way! Then you won't have to keep your end of the deal," I say, blasting back more of his minions. "Empty your hard drive first."

"No. The same could go for you so you give up first!"

"Fine, I'll hand myself over first, you release everything you've captured."

"Only then will (s/n) and I give ourselves up," Scarabella and Chat Noir suggest before Robustus narrows his eyes.

"There's a 92% chance it's a trap."

"Then to prove my good faith here's my Lucky Charm. That way I can't use it to win."

"Request granted now give up," He demands and Scarabella gives us a wink before handing herself over. 

"Your turn Robustus, if you don't I'll cataclysm my miraculous," Chat warns and we watch him let everyone and everything besides Scarabella go.

"I sure hope Scarabella knows what she's doing," Chat mumbles and I squeeze his hand reassuringly.

"Remember Ladybug chose her for a reason," With that we let ourselves be captured.

Not even a minute later, we're freed from our electronic prison.

"No more evil-doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye-bye little butterfly," Scarabella excitedly de-evilizes the akuma before grabbing her lucky charm excitedly. "I always wanted to do this. MIRACULOUS SCARABELLA!"

Everything has returned to normal and Markov looks at Scarabella with confusion.

"You're not the usual holder of the ladybug miraculous."

"No, but you were lucky enough to be saved by the one and only Scarabella in person," Chat defends her before holding up his fist. "I'll admit I had my doubts but you did awesome."

We pound it and Scarabella ties a magical charm to the base of his propeller. The rest of the weekend went by smoothly and on Monday Alya and I went to the train station to welcome back Mari and her parents. Marinette starts showing us pictures of their trip, telling a story about trying to leave her aunt imprisoned at the Tower of London.

"You should talk to Chat Noir, it's important he's agitated," Alya informs Marinette.

That evening at the end of patrol, Ladybug awkwardly approaches Chat Noir. "Hey, you must've been pretty shocked to know there was another holder...I'm really sorry Chat Noir I should've told you. I promise if I could've I would've but it came up so last minute. But that doesn't excuse the fact I told someone my identity. I'd be mad too if you did the same without telling me. Again I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings."

"I understand, you did what you had to. Paris will always need a Ladybug. But even though I'm a guardian I feel like I am. Like I said I get why you had to give Scarabella your miraculous but I wasn't even informed of what was going on and because I didn't know the situation I could've hurt her. But the worst of it is I realized that if one day Scarabella showed up as your replacement, I'd never see you again because I don't know your identity. I don't think I can handle that, you and (s/n) were the first friends I ever made so you both are beyond precious to me and I want you both to be in my life," Chat explains, and Ladybug grabs his hand reassuringly.

"I'll never abandon you Kitty Cat. I don't want to live a life without you in it either," She tells him with a smile and though it was hard to tell because of the lighting, her cheeks grew pink.

I pull Chat in for a hug. "Don't worry, the three of us will stick together, even if something happens. I'll make sure of it."

He smiles gratefully at us before his grin grows wider in a teasing manner. "Does that mean I get to find a replacement for me?"

Author: No chapter tomorrow, I'll be driving back to school which will take all day.

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