Timetagger: Part 3

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Ladybug read the note out loud and what she said was so heartbreaking. "Dear Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n), by the time you're reading this I will have undoubtedly already been erased from existence and therefore you don't know me anymore. My name is Mélina, I was originally your classmate in high school and was entrusted with the bunny miraculous and known as the hero Lapine. When Timetagger came, everything changed you needed me and I came to help but because Chat Noir had gotten too worried about me fighting Timetagger alone he accidentally Cataclysmed my miraculous and then I was sent far back into Ancient Egypt. With my miraculous broken I had no way to get back to my time period so as the butterfly effect took place I will and by now have ceased to exist. I did what I could to make sure the miraculous would find its way back to you so you can defeat Timetagger. I wanted to apologize for letting it happen this way because I wasn't careful history was re-written and the timeline changed so to make it up to you I did what I could to make sure the miraculous would be given back to you so I could help a little bit. I do have a small request that the next person to wield the bunny miraculous is someone in my family, my blood will in a sense be coursing through them and it'll be like I'm fighting with you again. I loved and cared about all of you and hope you all live great lives and always remember: Every problem has a solution. Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n) you've got this I know you can defeat him.

Sincerely, your friend Mélina, the bunny miraculous holder Lapine."

My hand flies to my face as I look at the note in shock as the realization that because of Hawkmoth and Timetagger, someone had permanently lost their life and without even knowing it we had lost a friend sinks in. "That's awful..." Chat trails off and LB gives us a determined look. "Come on you two we're gonna defeat Timetagger for Mélina," We nod in agreement when Alix pipes up.

"Wait I wanna help. I wanna be the one to use the bunny miraculous to take down Timetagger. Please I'll do anything," She says even going as far as shoving the broken miraculous in Ladybug's hand which reveals it had been in camouflage mode this entire time. "I agree Alix should be the one to do it. She is a distant relative of Mélina," I say, Chat Noir agreeing as well. Clutching the miraculous Ladybug agrees. It wasn't long before Alix was excitedly shouting out "Fluff Clockwise!"

We watch as Alix's arm sweeps across her face leaving behind a blue and white mask before the blue magic swirls around her arms and down her body leaving the matching suit with, a poof ball near the neck, black outlines, and a dark blue circle placed at the end of her gloves, boots, the side of her suit and just above her thigh. She pockets the watch before her hands go flying up bringing out the bunny ears. Soon she reaches up and an umbrella materializes in her hand which she spins around before opening.

"So awesome!!" She squeals looking over her suit. "So what should we call you? Lapine?" I ask curiously while crossing my arms. "Nah that's Mélina's superhero name, I want my own. Call me..." She taps her chin in thought before stating confidently, "Bunnyx. Call me Bunnyx." "Alright then Bunnyx, let's do this," LB says as we take to leave.

"Guys you should take a look at this now," Chat Noir suddenly calls to us, making us stop in our tracks and look to see Jagged Stone on a poster for past famous musicians. "Timetagger sent Jagged Stone to the past!" Ladybug exclaims when I point at other posters. "He's not the only one sent back," More people we knew such as Nadja, André Glacé, and Mayor Bourgeois. "He's destroying our present by re-writing the past," Bunnyx says, a determined look gracing her face when LB mutters "If our future selves couldn't take down Timetagger I must not be that powerful," I jab her in the elbow and tell her, "Don't say that, trust me I went down that road and wallowing in self-pity isn't good for you." "Then how do you explain the fact because we couldn't defeat him we lost a friend?"

She asks and Bunnyx jumps in with "That was because Chat Noir had cataclysmed the bunny miraculous as long as he doesn't do that again, we'll beat him. Come on, let's go," We head out of The Louvre to see the ground covered in Timetagger's signs. "We took too long and gave him enough time to make a giant time web," Bunnyx says and Chat asks "Does that mean he can attack us from anywhere?" "More like any time."

Timetagger appears in front of us. "Give me your miraculous don't make me ask. It's pretty clear you're not up to the task. When I bring them to Hawkmoth's door. Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir will be no more," Chat grabs his staff and starts to walk before Bunnyx stops him, telling us. "The three of you stay where you are, nothing must happen to you so the future doesn't get re-written again. I'll deal with him and take him back to the future so he can be defeated by heroes his own size." (Timetagger is technically fighting heroes his own size tho-) Bunnyx draws a circle around her as she shouted "BURROW!" A white circle appears and she hops through it.

We watch her reappear through a circle next to Timetagger who teleports out of the way of her punch. "Missed me!" He yells, teleporting behind her to try and kick her down but she jumps through her burrow and teleports behind him swinging her umbrella. He teleports out of the way and then in front of her, throwing a punch that sent Bunnyx flying. Rolling onto the pavement she summons burrow and rolls into it, soon appearing at Timetagger's side, throwing her own punch that connects this time.

Through many means of teleporting through time, the two exchange blows this was clearly taking longer than five minutes. "I thought we had to transform back after using our powers," Chat comments and LB chimes in. "We've never used the bunny miraculous before maybe being in her burrow slows down the time or something," We continue to watch the two fight when I notice Chat Noir starting to get anxious to jump into action. "Down kitty cat," I joke with crossed arms before reminding him we had to stay put so nothing could happen to us.

Bunnyx throws her umbrella up before charging at Timetagger, using him to push herself up into the air into her burrow before sliding at his feet, catching the umbrella, and hooking the handle around his ankle to pull him into the burrow with a smirk. That smirk soon disappears as Timetagger teleports away at the last minute.

"Bunnyx you're lame you don't get the game and now you have to start all over again," He mocks before teleporting close and kicking her away. Bunnyx lets out a growl and starts charging at him again, attacking more quickly and Timtagger continues to mock. "Where's your sass gone now fluffy tail?" "I can't stand watching them play cat and mouse like this," Chat exclaims soon summoning his Cataclysm and charging into battle. "Chat Noir no!" "Bunnyx look out!" Ladybug and I cry out as we watch in horror as he charges for Timetagger and he moves out of the way just as Bunnyx tried to hit him with her umbrella, it looked like history was about to repeat itself and Chat would cataclysm the miraculous yet again.

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