Risk: Part 2

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Throughout the school day, Marinette tried to talk to Adrien but couldn't because everyone else was swarming him, telling him how lucky he was, and what an opportunity he had. The school day was almost over and he hadn't been given a moment alone. While getting ready for PE Marinette lightly bangs her head on her locker.

"Adrien doesn't look happy and I feel like you and I are the only ones that see it," She mutters.

"That's probably cuz we're the only two not being fed lies by Lila about how great this is," I respond, looking out the door at Lila talking to a few of our friends. 

"I've got to talk to him and help him if he needs it before he leaves but knowing me I'm gonna mess it all up as usual."

"Would you stop with the pity party and 'I can't do it' mentality? You can and you will, you've done and faced worse things than this. Now hurry up and get ready before D'Argencourt counts you as late," I say leaving the locker room.

No surprise she was late as she burst the door open and shouted "Adrien!"

"Ah, Miss. Dupain-Cheng since you finally decided to honor us with your presence place yourself next to Adrien. You're Lila's replacement," D'Argencourt instructs who then turns to Lila who tries to say she is all better before he sits her back down.

"Adrien I-" Mari tries to say when D'Argencourt blows a whistle, signaling the game beginning and Adrien is hit with a ball. 

"Adrien to the dungeon."

I wave Adrien over as I am the guard for the dungeon when Marinette runs in with a smile after being hit as well, D'Argencourt sighing.

"May I remind you the object of this match is to avoid the ball?"

The game continues and I guard the dungeon whilst listening in to Adrien and Marinette's conversation.

"Are you really leaving for several months? Won't that prevent you from graduating?"

"It's what my father's decided and knowing him he'll hire the best tutors for me. If only he knew how sick I am of all of it. The photos, the film shoots, all these people fawning over me who don't even know me. Ads that don't make any sense and now I'm expected to just leave my life, and my friends to travel the ends of the world for I don't know how long with Lila?!"

"Why haven't you told anyone you don't want to do this?"

"I can't, they're not gonna understand my complaining. They all think what's happening to me is an amazing opportunity."

"I understand you."

"Then you're the only one," Adrien grabs Marinette's hand and gratefully squeezes it.

"If you don't want to do this then you've got to talk to your father, Adrien."

He lets go of her hand and shakes his head. "I can't. I don't know why, he's my father and I love him and I know he loves me but it's all so frustrating. Has there ever been something you wanted to tell someone but you just couldn't? Like some kind of invisible force is holding you back?"

"All the time."

I get this weird feeling and scratch my neck before speaking up. "Adrien you aren't alone in this, Marinette and I hear you and we're willing to help however we can, we'll help you talk to your father, and we'll make an ultimatum if we have to."

Before he can respond to that Lila appears out of nowhere and hugs his arm. "Sir! Since class is almost over do you think we could finish early? So Adrien and I can have time to say goodbye to all of our friends."

D'Argencourt doesn't get to give a response as everyone begins crowding around Adrien and Lila to give their goodbyes.

"We're not leaving for long friends, we're bringing every single one of you with us in our hearts," Lila gave an overly sappy goodbye before they started getting in their car when Marinette ran up to Adrien.

She didn't get to say anything though as Madelyn ran up and pushed her onto the ground. 

"Out of the way parasite! Don't worry Adrien, I'll be there with you two, I'll fly to every location you go to on Daddy's private jet," She leans up and leaves a big smooch mark on Adrien's face when Chloé marches up angrily.

"Hey! Stop that Adrikins- I mean Adrien has told you multiple times he doesn't like it when you kiss him so back off! Also, apologize to Marinette, it's not nice to push people," She tells Madelyn off sassily when I get that strange itch on my neck again and I step forward.

"Seriously Madelyn you need to back off your behavior is so childish and none of us are falling for it so for your own sake get off your high horse already."

"You trying to pick a fight with me freak?!" Madelyn glares at me and I slowly approach her while cracking my knuckles.

"If it'll put you in your place and shut you up, gladly,"

At this point Alya is having to hold me back, Chloé joining her after looking at Adrien to tell him he didn't have to do this.

Once Adrien and Lila were gone, Alya, Nino, Rose, Chloé, and Sabrina sat me and Marinette down in the cafeteria asking what all that was about.

"We have three hours left to stop Adrien from getting on that train. Here's the plan," Mari starts to go off before Nino stops her with a confused look. 

"Let me get this straight you guys wanna stop Adrien from traveling the world? Adrien who's never allowed outside his house? Adrien who's never seen anything his whole life?"

"It's because Lila's going isn't it?" Alya asks and I groan.

"Would you quit assuming we're against something just because Lila's in the picture?"

"If you guys care about him you've got to let him go live his dream," Rose says and Mari shakes her head.

"But this isn't his dream! Adrien hates the film shoots, the photos...He can't stand it anymore. We're not trying to save him from Lila but from his dad. He doesn't know how to tell him he doesn't wanna do any of this anymore!" Marinette says, earning confused looks from everyone but me and Chloé.

"If he doesn't wanna model anymore why didn't he tell me? I'm his best bud," Nino points.

"It's true they talked about it in the dungeon," I back Marinette up and so does Chloé.

"He's never really liked them, he told me when we were younger but I never listened."

"But that was when he was younger. Marinette, (y/n) you can't decide what Adrien does just because Lila will be near him. As your BFF I refuse to follow along with this plan for your own good as well as his."

"Fine! Chloé, (y/n), and I will save him ourselves," She storms off and Chloé follows.

I hang back a moment as another weird itch hits my neck and I glare at Alya.

"You wanna know something, Alya? You're a terrible friend, in fact, all of you are acting like terrible friends. Three of your friends have just told you that one of your friends is being forced into a situation he doesn't want to be in and you don't even listen and make assumptions. You wanna know why he told Marinette and not you Nino? The answer is simple he felt he couldn't because everyone was making this seem like a good thing and he'd sound grateful. If you were forced onto a trip you didn't want to go on but everyone told you it was a good thing would you speak up?"

I challenged and waited but nothing was said.

"I thought so. Also, when will you stop assuming we're against something because of just Adrien and or Lila? Not everything is about them, and even when it is have you ever stopped to consider why we're against it outside of not liking Lila? Have you considered there's a reason we don't like or trust Lila outside of Adrien? No! The truth is Lila is a horrible human being who does nothing but manipulate and lie to you all for her own selfish gain and not only do you refuse to listen to us but refuse to try and see where we're coming from and it genuinely hurts that you won't listen or trust me despite showing I'm the kind of person who wouldn't say these things without a reason. Now if you'll excuse me Adrien needs help," I finish off, slamming my hands against the table before joining Marinette and Chloé.

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