Jubilation: Part 4

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I wake up with a gasp and look around to see fighting The Darker Owl and I begin to recall what happened. This jerk had used Gift against us and teased us with a happy life. From the looks of Chat's face, he wasn't pleased either.

"How dare you play with our feelings!" He shouts angrily as he charges at The Darker Owl, hitting him relentlessly. 

Feeling my own anger bubbling up I join the attack. "Do you know how hard it is to live like a superhero almost 24/7? Unable to have a fraction of the happiness other people get to have?!"

Our attacks became harsher, The Darker Owl grunted with every hit until he was down on the ground.

"CATACLYSM!" Chat shouts, a deathly gleam in his eye as he angrily swipes at the mask before taking in a few deep breaths to calm down.

Ladybug takes care of the Megakuma and we start searching for the pig miraculous but just like with Tsurugi the miraculous was nowhere to be found

"Not here..." Ladybug sighs in disappointment before giving Mr. Damocles a magical charm and activating the miraculous ladybugs.

After that, we go make sure Socqueline is ok who begins to apologize.

"I'm sorry I impersonated you I just wanted to help."

"I know but I'd rather you do it in another way that doesn't put you in danger. You're already amazing even without the suit. Thank you," Ladybug tells her with a hug.

Afterward Ladybug, Chat Noir and I sit on a roof, trying to wrap our heads around what happened today.

"How did Monarch give Mr. Damocles the power of Jubilation without giving him a miraculous?" Chat asks, trying to break the awkward silence.

"I don't know. I don't get it."

"Ladybug...The power of Jubilation is supposed to show us our deepest desires right?"


"But what we saw...Was it real?"

"Tell me about it. Marriage, babies...Totally fake."

"Are you sure?"

"Monarch...Must've altered it somehow to trick us..."


Wrong. You two are just in denial, Chat wants to know the girl behind the Ladybug mask and wants it to be the girl he's in love with, Marinette, and Ladybug has fallen in love with Chat Noir but isn't ready to admit it.

"Mine was. I want with all my heart to get back together with Luka," I say before getting up and heading out. There was a lot I needed to think about.

I go for a long walk through the city, thinking about what Gift had shown me, what fake Luka had told me, and how it matched up with Luka's advice which was now ringing in my ears.

You don't have to ask for help dealing with all of this all the time but you shouldn't have to sacrifice your happiness for this crummy situation. I can tell you know. You haven't been happy for a long time, I don't like seeing you like this so please promise me you'll focus on your happiness. It's ok to be a little selfish.

I had told him I'd think about it and of course, I had but every time I do my job as (s/n) comes to mind, and the dangers of giving into my selfish desires. But after Gift took its effects it made me realize just how much I wanted to be happy, to be happy with Luka. It was just too much to bear. The more I thought about how much I wanted Luka the more his words rang in my head.

It's ok to be a little selfish.

It's ok to be a little selfish.

It's ok to be a little selfish.

I feel something inside me snap and suddenly I'm running towards the warf, where Liberty is, where Luka is.

"(y/n) are you ok?" I hear Flaake ask as I run and I shake my head.

"No. I can't do this anymore Flaake. I just can't."

As I continue to run I pass by the bridge and see him doing his homework under it and I change my course, shouting for him.

"(y/n)?" He asks as I come to a stop and catch my breath. "What's wrong?"

"Luka I realized something today. Something important...I can't do this anymore," He goes to ask what but I answer before he can get the words out. "I'm gonna listen to your advice so with your permission," I take his hands and give him a small smile. "May I be your girlfriend again?"

His eyes widen in shock before he smiles with a large grin at me. "Yes. A thousand times yes."

"I'm sorry I made you wait this long," I murmur into his chest after pulling him into a hug.

"No need to apologize, I would've waited for as long as it took."

"Then if you don't mind I'm gonna do something I've wanted to do for ages."

"What's that?"

I pull back and start showering his face with kisses, giving him all the love and affection he's had to miss out on for months, causing him to laugh and cup my face.

"I love you Mon Amour so much."

"I love you too blueberry," I smile at him, my eyes becoming glossy with joy as he leans up/down and our lips connect, bringing a little light to this dark day.

"About time (y/n). About dang time," Flaake whispers with a proud smile.

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