Evolution: Part 4

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Canine Girl unifies the miraculous, giving her a new pattern mixed with her bunny suit and she quickly hops into Burrow before Monarch's ball can touch the watch.

"No...This can't be..." Monarch mutters falling to his hands and knees.

"Oh but it is," I grin mockingly.

"You've lost again."

"As usual," Ladybug and Rabbit Noir also add in their mocking comments before we enter Burrow.


"I knew you'd fix everything," Older Alix tells us with a smile

"looc yaw si emit fo rewop ehT .siht worrob em gnittel rof sknahT," We hear Chat says as he hands her back her miraculous before giving us all a confused look. "Did I just speak backward?"

"Yep. That's what happens when you play around in the time continuum for too long as a newbie," Alix giggles before addressing Fluff. "Glad to see you again Big Ears."

Bunnyx sighs in relief to be transformed again and rustles younger Alix's hair. "Mini-me, I knew you'd rock it."

Alix looks at her miraculous before reluctantly handing it to us and we shake our heads.

"Remember what we told you? The time has come."

Alix beams at us as Fluff reappears looking very confused.

"Ready for a long journey Big Ears?"

"I'm having a serious case of Deja Vu right?"

The five of us pound it and Ladybug turns to the two Bunnyxs. "I have one last favor to ask you girls and a communication method I'd like to discuss with you."




Monarch was left in the past to ponder his failure until the realization hit that he had been left in the past with years worth of knowledge of what was to come, paired with the miraculous. 

"You made a mistake to leave me here Ladybug. For the future belongs to those who live in the past. Who needs the rabbit miraculous when I can re-live everything we've ever been through if my other plan fails. No matter what I win!"

"Sorry Mothy, not this time either," He suddenly hears and turns around to see Bunnyx smirking at him before he falls through Burrow back into his own time.

"Right on time for yet another defeat Monarch," Chat says as Monarch's tied up and a spear and staff are pointed at him.

"You'll never take another miraculous from me ever again! Time is running out for the three of you," He warns before escaping yet again using Wind Dragon.

Once home he makes a beeline for his liar, even if they took the rabbit miraculous from him, they didn't know the changes he had made and all he needed to do was wait for history to re-write. There's a ripple through the air as he heads down, giving him hope. Running to where he'd been hiding Emilie for so long, her pod was gone, and in its place a small indoor garden, white butterflies fluttering about without a care in the world. Gabriel tears up at the sight of his wife tending to the garden.

"Emilie?" He calls to her, voice shaking and she turns to him with a smile he missed oh so much.

Suddenly he felt another ripple in the air and it was all gone, his wife's corspse back in the pod and ontop of the pod was the thumb drive and a new note. Anger courses through him as he looked at the folded note. He wasn't sure if he could handle reading it, regardless he clutched the note and read it.

Gabriel Agreste,

It's saddening to see how much your grief has effected you. I understand how hard it is to deal with the loss of a loved one sno whose so fundamental to your life, even if my case wasn't romantic in nature. So I can't fully blame you for the predicament you're in but I have also watched my friends suffer due because of the great misery you will and have caused. You used to be a good man when your mind was sound and you still can be if you do the right tthing not by securing the past but by saving the present. As hopeless as I know it is and what will happen to this note, I'm asking for a friend who wanted to give you one last chance so I beg of you, do the right thing.


Someone whose place I hope you never take.

Gabriel began to shake in anger as he read the note over and over. How dare she... HOW DARE SHE?! Gabriel sheds the note to pieces swearing he'd destroy Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n) and all their friends. That's when Natalie calls.




We watch in anger as Monarch gets away and Ladybug angrily smacks the rooftop and Chat squeezes her shoulder.

"It's gonna be ok M'lady we got one of the miraculous back, we'll get the others too."

"But at what cost?" she asks with a frown.

"I know it's hard but we won't stop till we win and Alix will come back," I reassure her as well and she gives us a hopeful smile. "There's that smile, now then we've got a lot to do."

That's when Master Su-Han appears looking very angry.

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