Optigami: Part 2

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"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the outdated headquarters of Style Queen Magazine. It's almost as outdated as Audrey Bourgeois herself," Alec immediately starts roasting Audrey the second the show begins, causing the crowd to laugh, while he continues to ridicule her. "Well, well, has the queen suddenly lost her voice? What a shame, she could've told you that this whole award ceremony is rigged. Sorry Adrien," He pats Adrien's back condescendingly when Audrey gets in Alec's face.

"That's false. Utterly false! No one listen to him! You're-" "Fired! Haha, too late you already ridiculed yourself already," Alec interrupts, the crowd laughing louder at her. We begin to hear her muttering under her breath before she's covered in the oh-so-annoying purple mist and Style Queen makes her debut. 

Everyone goes into a panic and I use the confusion to sneak out and run into one of the elevators, Flaake flying up. "Flaake-" I start when she suddenly flies behind me as Luka runs into the elevator panting. "Luka! W-what are you doing here?" I stutter, surprised to see him. "Trying to get out, isn't that what you're doing?" He responds and I nod pressing the lobby button. "Yeah...Don't wanna stick around for the fight," We barely go a floor down when the elevator suddenly stops with a shake.

"Problem: the elevator isn't responding," I say, pressing the buttons repeatedly. "Then let's try prying the doors open," He suggests and we start tugging but to no avail and I frown, this wasn't a good situation to be in. "Don't worry, I'm sure one of the heroes will be along to help us," Luka tries to reassure me and I nod, pulling out my phone to let Marinette or Adrien know I was stuck but what I found was a message from Marinette stating she and Adrien were stuck in another elevator together.

I inwardly sigh as I text in the group chat between me, Marinette, and Alya that I was stuck too. A response comes back quickly, Mari was gonna call the kwamiis. We had given them an emergency phone that we'd use to call them if we needed them to help without a holder. "Stopping texting for a minute," Luka suddenly says, pulling me closer and toward the doors. "Luka what are you-" I start to ask when he covers my mouth and points to a wall. 

I listen and hear movement, sounds like some people were trying to escape through the air ducts when there's a scream as a fast whooshing noise flies by. We both wait with bated breath for the noise to disappear and Luka sighs while letting me go. "It seems Style Queen's on the hunt for everybody so if we don't make too much noise we'll be safe," He whispers and I nod, sending a quick text to warn the others.

"So is this the secret hiding spot?" Luka asks, sending an amused smile my way and I give him a confused look. "What?" "Whenever there's an akuma attack you and Marinette disappear. Is this the fabled hiding spot you run to?" "Ah. Something like that..." I nervously chuckle, earning me a frown.

"You're still not gonna tell me." A statement, not a question. I wince as I slowly nod. "I can't." "Why not? What is so important that you have to worry everyone around you and not tell them what's going on?" "I-" "Can't. Yeah, I've heard that so many times but can't get a reason further than that, it's getting old (y/n)," He crosses his arms in anger. "I know, I'm getting tired of telling you the same thing and I'm sorry Luka but I have certain responsibilities that requires a lot of secrecy and if I let something slip I'll lose everything because I'm too far in it now!"

I shout, soon covering my mouth and listening for any sign of Style Queen. "That's not true. You'll have me," He tries to reassure me, interlocking his fingers with mine and lightly squeezing. I shake my head recalling that I could forget him if I had to renounce myself as a guardian. "Not when these responsibilities keep hurting you. I can't keep doing that to you either." "Then when will you be relieved of these responsibilities? I want to be with you (y/n). I miss you. I miss us!" "I don't know I wish I could say soon but I genuinely don't know, I might never be relieved of them..."

I say, burying my face in my hands. "That's not fair! Why should you or anyone else have to suffer and not be able to have what they want? I want to get back together with you mon amour and I know you do too. Whatever it is that's holding you back, we'll get through together  so please!" I open my mouth to protest. "I can't-" "Yes you can!" He shouts with a pleading look that I almost give in when a portal appears and Rena Rouge steps in. "I'm here to get you guys out," Before anything could be said and done Style Queen appears with a smirk. "If you were trying to hide maybe you shouldn't have been shouting," She goes to zap us when Luka pushes me and Rena through the portal and the last thing I see as it closes is him being turned into a pile of golden glitter.                                 

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