Penalteam: Part 2

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We all skid to a stop as the surrounding area begins to glow as a giant dome appears over the stadium a floating scoreboard appearing when our attention turns to the now akumatized Madelyn in a gold and black soccer outfit with ten other her surrounding her. (Yes I'm too lazy to come up with a new akumatized look for her so it is just the Chloé Penalty look but her hair is down)

"You wanted to play soccer? Ok then, let's play!"

"But you don't like soccer," I pointed out and she nodded.

"Yeah, I can't stand it but when I'm through with you nobody will want to play this stupid game ever again."

"Madelyn vengeance is never the solution to any problem," Ms. Bustier tries to mediate the situation.

"I'm not Madelyn I'm Penalty and this is my Penalteam!" She throws a red card at Ms. Bustier who disappears and re-appears in a soccer-themed bubble in the sky.

"The first half will be forty-five minutes. If I win no one will ever play soccer in this city again!" Penalty blows the whistle and the game begins, Alya charging at her.

"If you play anything like Madelyn this is gonna be easy!"

"Don't!" Marinette, Adrien, and I shouted at her as the Penalty she went up against slid on the ground, touching her with her shoe which put her up in the sky with Ms. Bustier.

"The Penalteam is invincible you bunch of losers!" Penalty mocks us as she scores a point, the soccer prisons shrinking.

"That goal doesn't count there was a foul on Alya!" Alix protests and Didier agrees, claiming it was a red card.

"I get to decide the rules," Penalty sneers, hitting the two with a red card, making Didier the commentator of the game.

Everyone on the field begins to run away and hide as the realization that she wouldn't play fair kicks in and she starts throwing red cards at them.

"Giving up already? I thought you loved soccer!" She mocks as she scores another point, the prisons shrinking again. "I'm warning you the more I score the less space your idiot friends get."

"Wasn't expecting (s/n) to make a surprise visit during class," I grumble before transforming and entering the field with Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"You wanna play soccer? How about battling it out on an equal playing field?"

"Ooo it's Loserbug and her outcasted partners you don't seem all that great to me. I think I'll have fun crushing you and your loser team."

"No need for a whole team. It's just Chat Noir, (s/n), and me against your clones. We'll be so awesome you won't even see the ball. We're gonna win and de-akumatize you in no time," Ladybug says, getting cocky while I gesture for Chat to tell her he didn't really know how to play.

"Sorry but my akuma is a trophy and trophies aren't meant for losers," We watched Penalty pull out her golden ribbon and press it against her shoe and it disappeared into the sky.

Chat finally gets Ladybug's attention and tells her and her face drops.

"OK the game plan has changed, you two man the goal while I get the rest of the team," LB quickly takes off while Chat and I look at Penalty with worry.

"What was all that about being so awesome I wouldn't see the ball Loserbug! Let's see what the kitty cat and bear cub have."

"From the look on their faces, not champion material!"

I slightly glare up at Didier, I don't see him trying to take her on in this state. It was a difficult task too. I ended up having to call upon my ice storm to try and stop her attempts at scoring. It was working but with five minutes it wouldn't be long till I would have to stop.

"Nice work you two, go recharge," She tells us while Didier announces all the heroes joining us.

"It looks like we have a new hero joining the team!"

This catches my attention as I look to see a new member of the team, a girl in a black spandex suit with a light brown romper with a white heart shape in the middle on top. White boots and brown gloves led down to her hands which turned white. A white and brown mask on her face with a dog-eared beret sitting on top of her orange-yellow hair.

"Call me Miss. Hound."

"Blah, blah, blah are you done yet?" Penalty asked getting fed up with the introductions as I reentered the field and asked if we had a plan.

"We're gonna win."

"What if we don't?"

"Come on I know the secrets of this game."

I went to remind her we weren't playing soccer with the normal rules when Penalty started the game. She seems to be reminded pretty quickly when Penalty hits one of our teammates with her foot and they go to the sky.


"Not with my rules~" Penalty mocks in a sing-song voice as the game continues.

"Don't let them touch you with their cleats."

This puts a damper on what we could do resulting in Penalty scoring again even though Carapace caught the ball.

"The goal is gone, now what?"

"We change the playing field," Penalty scoffs as if it were obvious, snapping and the goals move.

"The game starts with a long clearance to Ladybug who seems determined to turn this game around!"

She starts heading toward the goal, ignoring everybody she could've passed the ball to and I groan, she was trying to do this on her own again. This resulted in her having to dodge Penalty's foot and lose the ball.

"Stop!" Ryuko tries to interfere but Ladybug distracts her. "Ladybug I've got this," She gets hit by a cleat.

"Ladybug will have to play more of a team game if she wants to block Penalteam's aggressive and coordinated strategy!"

The ball goes flying in the air and Penalty and Chat Noir jump for. The small bit of hope we had diminishes when he head-butts the ball into our goal and starts cheering, earning him a look from everybody.

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