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Suddenly being asked this question, Ruan Wenyou subconsciously raised his hand to cover his chest, and shook his head: "Probably not."

Gu Xiuting frowned slightly: "Should?"

"I am not sure."

Ruan Wenyou still confessed honestly, it seems that no lie can escape Gu Xiuting's eyes.

"This is an abnormal physiological reaction of yours, you need to be checked, come with me."

Since getting married, Gu Xiuting has never made excessive demands and abided by the terms and conditions of the contract in everything, so Ruan Wenyou also behaved obediently and well-behaved.

After seven o'clock in the evening, he obediently followed Gu Xiuting, and left in the car with him.

The driver was silent and concentrated on driving. Ruan Wenyou and Gu Xiuting were sitting in the back seat. He was a little puzzled and couldn't help asking, "Where are we going? The hospital?"

"It is."

Gu Xiuting responded, and then sent a message.

But who sent it to, Ruan Wenyou didn't know.

His eyes glanced at Gu Xiuting's phone screen inadvertently, and immediately moved away, fully respecting other people's wishes.

After about an hour or so, the car finally stopped.

At the junction of the New East District and the South District, a white building is located in the suburbs. Its appearance is simple and elegant, but it is shrouded in a solemn atmosphere.

It doesn't look like a hospital here, and there is no word "hospital" or "clinic" at the door.

It was the first time for Ruan Wenyou to come to this kind of place, but he had seen this kind of building in books before, and guessed that it was a research institute affiliated to the Academy of Sciences, and this was probably one of them.

Today's various urban areas were planned in the last century. Entering the new century, the hierarchical system between nobles and commoners has gradually weakened, the society is more able to accept ordinary Betas, and Omega is no longer an appendage and reproductive tool of noble Alphas.

After all, the Omega affirmative action 30 years ago caused a lot of noise and caused a sensation.

But due to human nature, as long as human society exists, there must be classes.

The social value of Alpha is extremely high, and excellent Alphas are also active in all walks of life, at the forefront of every field. Alphas also account for the vast majority of today's leaders and upper-level politicians.

And the research institute in front of me must be all Alpha workers, after all, the threshold is too high.

Ruan Wenyou couldn't help but stop, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Seeing Ruan Wenyou stop, Gu Xiuting naturally sensed his anxiety, and took his hand again: "My friend works here, don't worry."

Ruan Wenyou let out a "hmm" and continued to move forward with him.

The institute is divided into several areas. Ruan Wenyou thought that he would be stopped for multiple inspections on the way, but after the staff in Area A verified his and Gu Xiuting's identities, they gave him a pass and the medical protective clothing here. All the way unimpeded.

After the two arrived at Zone E, a young voice came from afar: "Lao Gu, your wife is not feeling well, why did you come to see me?"

Ruan Wenyou was taken aback for a moment, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a male Alpha hurriedly approaching.

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