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    Not long after Gu Xiuting came back from a business trip, he was called to the Gu family's courtyard by Mr. Gu.

    This result was already expected, Gu Xiuting went to the old house alone without telling Ruan Wenyou.

    Mr. Gu was furious, and accused: "Why did you provoke the Fang family? Not only did you waste time and effort this time, but it also affected the development of our Gu family and the company. They are not

    good at dealing with them, so you don't worry about them waiting for an opportunity to retaliate in the future?" Gu Xiuting said With a calm face, he spoke in an orderly manner: "When the company was on the rise, it was envied by many peers. The Gu family also made enemies on all sides, and they are still stared at by several companies. But, grandpa, have you ever been afraid? You still lead the

    company All the way to the present."

    Mr. Gu shook his head helplessly: "This is not the same thing, you let the Fang family stumble this time, what good is it for our company? We used to be on good terms with them, but now you It seems that I must bring them down."

    Gu Xiuting nodded, his eyes became cold: "I still need time to completely bring down the Fang family, and the timing is not right now." It took

    him about two months , found negligence in the operation of the other party's business, financial loopholes, and even some very inhumane and completely self-interested cooperation projects.

    With these, Gu Xiuting made Fang's enterprise suffer first.

    But he wants to teach a good lesson and rectify Fang's constitutional struggle, and he can't take advantage of the culprit.

    After hearing this, Mr. Gu frowned: "You really want to do this? Why?" Gu Xiuting said that he had been missing for nearly three months before, and that he was drugged and lost his memory.

    He was also very sure that these matters had something to do with the Fang family, especially Fang Zhengxian.

    "Xiao Ting, but you clearly didn't say that before. Didn't those people on Rose Island do it?" Mr. Gu was dubious, and asked again, "Now you have changed your words, did you investigate clearly?" Gu Xiuting's tone was firm: " Um."

    "Well, if the Fang family deliberately retaliates in the future, I hope you can be so confident and solve these troubles completely." After

    saying that, Mr. Gu shouted out the door again, "Xiao Jue, you can come in too.

    " Gu Jue responded, and when he pushed the door and entered, Gu Xiuting was unavoidably surprised.

    It turned out that Gu Jue had been standing outside the door all along, and the old man knew about it, did he arrange this on purpose? "I plan to let Xiaojue participate in the company's new project.

    He has worked hard for a while, and he has become familiar with the work process, and he has also attracted new investors." After hearing this

    , Gu Xiuting couldn't help frowning: "Which one is it?" Project?" "It's Xinshang's international plaza cooperation project, and Tengyue Group also wants to invest in it.

    When you were on a business trip, Xiaojue brought Mr. Li to meet me."

    The old man also said that Mr. Li of Tengyue Group is sincere this time. Very generous, very generous, after this business is negotiated, the Gu family will definitely make a profit without losing money.

    "Teng Yue is not the best partner, and the Li family are not fools.

    Grandpa, I think this matter is..." Gu Xiuting didn't want to agree, but Mr. Gu interrupted him: "Let's make it so." "Xiao

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