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About three months ago, thirty-year-old Gu Xiuting ushered in a susceptible period for the first time. It was too sudden, and at that time, he happened to be on Rose Island with Ruan Wenyou.

The Alpha who fell into the susceptible period was driven by instinct, and was often unconscious, and his memory of that period was very vague.

Afterwards, some Alphas with high status and strong self-esteem even turned their faces and refused to recognize others, completely refusing to admit their weakness and helplessness at that time, and would ruthlessly push away the Omega they had relied on deeply.

"Do you... remember those things on the island?"

At this moment, Ruan Wenyou looked at Gu Xiuting's gaze with some anticipation.

Gu Xiuting put down the watering can watering the flowers in his hand, his eyes remained indifferent as always: "What do you want me to remember?"

"I hope……"

Ruan Wenyou was holding too many words in his heart, but facing such an indifferent Gu Xiuting, he couldn't say a word.

Gu Xiuting didn't get Ruan Wenyou's answer, he approached Ruan Wenyou, leaned slightly and said, "Thank you for saving me, you are a good boy."

After finishing speaking, he brushed Ruan Wenyou's shoulder and walked away from him.

good boy...

Ruan Wenyou said silently in his heart. He looked at the rose bushes around him, like a girl who was dressed up but couldn't wait for her sweetheart, and felt desolate and lonely.

If possible, he doesn't want to be a "good boy" in the eyes of others.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. That night, Gu Xiuting stayed in the company to work overtime, and dinner was also settled in the company restaurant.

The office building of Gu's Group stands in a prime location in the business district. It is magnificent and has become one of the local landmarks.

The building has a total of 30 floors, with the management above the 20th floor, and Gu Xiuting's office is on the top floor. The 30th floor is a semi-open space, connected to the large outdoor balcony, with a wider and more comfortable view.

Just after nine thirty in the evening, Gu Xiuting's cell phone rang, and he looked down to see the caller ID, it was Jiang Zhiyu calling.

Gu Xiuting picked it up, and Jiang Zhiyu on the other end seemed very excited, and his voice was full of excitement: "Old Gu, I probably know why Ruan Wenyou is pregnant!"

"Oh." Gu Xiuting responded lightly.

Although the pregnancy rate of inferior omega is less than 10%, it is possible after all, and Ruan Wenyou is not the first inferior omega to conceive in the world.

Rather than the reason why he could conceive, Gu Xiuting wanted to know the way to stop Ruan Wenyou from overflowing frequently.

"Old Gu, why are you not responding? Let me tell you, your pheromone is a light fragrance mixed with paper and ink, not a single smell. It is more complex than the general Alpha, and it is difficult to find another one that is highly compatible. Pheromones."

"I know this better than you, and then?"

If Gu Xiuting doesn't take the initiative to emit the fragrance of calligraphy, painting, paper and ink on Gu Xiuting's body, under normal circumstances, others will not be able to smell it, and it will be difficult to distinguish it.

"Before, your Gu family planned to marry the Zhao family. The pheromone compatibility between you and the daughter of the Zhao family is 98%. .”

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Zhiyu became more excited as he talked: "But who knew, after my experiments and repeated evaluations and calculations with instruments, the pheromone match between Ruan Wenyou and you is as high as 99.987%, which is incredible data! If it's in heat, it can definitely reach 100%, absolutely!!"

Gu Xiuting was startled for a moment after hearing this, and then asked: "What's the conclusion?"

"Brother, are you asking this knowingly? That is to say, you two are a perfect match!!"

Gu Xiuting: "..."

"The other question, have you figured out a solution now?"

"Didn't I ask you to smoke it every day! Lao Gu, you drink milk tea for free every day, and you have a little beauty in your arms. How many people are envious of you! Don't be in the midst of blessings and not know your blessings."

Hearing these unscrupulous words, Gu Xiuting didn't bother to pay attention at all: "Call again when there are practical measures."

Gu Xiuting was about to hang up the phone when Jiang Zhiyu said anxiously: "Hey, wait! Lao Gu, your pheromones are almost 100% compatible. If you don't want to mark him completely, you can try a temporary mark."

Gu Xiuting hesitated: "Are you sure?"

"Truth emerges from practice! You have to act first, and then I can continue to analyze and research. Don't worry, Ruan Wenyou has been pregnant for three months, and you can do it."

Gu Xiuting still didn't say anything...

"Old Gu, you're already married to him, so you won't be cowardly now, right? If you had restrained yourself a little before, the kid wouldn't be pregnant, old bastard."

Gu Xiuting: "..."

After eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Ruan Wenyou had already fallen asleep.

Gu Xiuting said that he was working overtime at the company tonight, but Ruan Wenyou didn't wait for him. Tomorrow he has to get up early to go to school, so Ruan Wenyou naturally can't sleep too late, besides, he has to think about the child in his belly now, so he can't stay up late to read like before.

Ruan Wenyou, who was sleeping, suddenly had his nostrils quivering. He smelled the fragrance of paper and ink, like the smell of books, but it was softer after entering the nasal cavity, gradually soothing the body and mind.

His own four-season milk green scent drifts out unconsciously, and every cell begins to yearn for this fragrance.

After getting home from get off work at eleven o'clock, Gu Xiuting went into Ruan Wenyou's bedroom.

He acted lightly throughout the whole process. He wanted to observe Ruan Wenyou's physical condition, but found that the overflowing milk had already soaked his clothes.

So, Gu Xiuting helped, he had no intention of waking Ruan Wenyou up, but even though Ruan Wenyou was in a coma, he could still smell Gu Xiuting's pheromone and consciously get close to this man.

After Ruan Wenyou woke up, he looked embarrassed. But Gu Xiuting didn't intend to leave after that, and lay down beside Ruan Wenyou again.

This was the first time Gu Xiuting slept with him, Ruan Wenyou said in a daze, "Sir, will you sleep with me tonight?"

Gu Xiuting nodded: "In the terms of the agreement, is there a rule that I can't sleep in the same bed with you?"


Hearing this, Gu Xiuting pulled up the quilt and covered it, and tucked up the corners of the quilt for Ruan Wenyou: "Go to sleep."

Ruan Wenyou didn't say anything, but his eyes were open, and he couldn't fall asleep at all. When Gu Xiuting was about to turn off the lights, Ruan Wenyou suddenly got out from under the quilt and reached out to stop him.

Ruan Wenyou's next move surprised Gu Xiuting even more, he untied the restraining collar directly.

Gu Xiuting's eyes became dark: "Ruan Wenyou, do you know what you are doing?"

"Well, the terms didn't say I couldn't do that."

Ruan Wenyou said, getting closer to Gu Xiuting, "Sir, this is what I want you to remember."

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