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    Ruan Wenyou unexpectedly gave birth prematurely, which Fang Zhengxian never expected.

    In order to teach Gu Xiuting a lesson, their Fang family resorted to tricks.

    Previously, Gu Xiuting caused their company a lot of misery, and they almost couldn't turn over the funds, and several major projects under construction were also put on hold.

    Now they have also reported the products of Gu's enterprise. With the police coming to investigate, they will find someone to spread rumors, which will definitely make Gu Xiuting very anxious.

    And at this time, Gu Xiuting's wife and children were also kidnapped, so he must be devastated.

    Fang Zhengxian also made it clear that if Gu Xiuting was to come by himself in a speedboat, if he dared to call the police, Ruan Wenyou's life would be in danger.

    Fang Zhengxian still has to rely on Ruan Wenyou and the child in his womb to threaten Gu Xiuting, which is his trump card.

    Gu Xiuting won't be able to show up for a while, if Gu Xiuting hasn't rushed over, Ruan Wenyou will die of dystocia now, then all his follow-up plans will be in vain? "Young master, we can't delay any longer. You plan to..." "What a trouble! Find someone to deliver the baby." Just in case,

    Fang Zhengxian and the others also brought two accompanying doctors with them on this trip.

    A male Alpha and a female Omega, both of them have practiced medicine for many years and are very experienced.

    But the male doctor is not an obstetrician, so he is not very skilled in this area. The female doctor has a few deliveries before, and she mainly relies on her.

    Ruan Wenyou was carried into a clean cabin room. At this moment, his lower body was mottled with blood, but his face was as pale as a piece of paper, one red and one white, forming a stark contrast.

    This was an unbearable pain for Ruan Wenyou. The pain made his vision blurred, his hands and feet were numb, and he might faint at any time.

    "Please...please! Help...help, my child..." The little life in his stomach is likely to be lost, Ruan Wenyou held the corner of the female doctor's clothes with blood-stained hands , also begged loudly, "Doctor, I beg you! You must save the child, my child..." When the female doctor saw the weak Ruan Wenyou, her heart trembled. Only nineteen years old, and an inferior Omega.

    She hurried forward to check on Ruan Wenyou's condition. She did not need a caesarean section, and it was possible to give birth naturally.

    After that, she asked Ruan Wenyou to take a deep breath and try to relax her body.

    If it hurts too much, try to divert your attention and think about people and things that make him happy and happy.

    Ruan Wenyou's mind flashed through the dead parents, the hospitalized grandmother, and Meng Taoyu in the detention center, and then the scenes that came to mind were all around one person.

    That person is Ah Mu and also Gu Xiuting.

    In the small rental house on Rose Island, soft lights shone on the two of them.

    Ah Mu carefully asked Ruan Wenyou for permission, and then kissed him.

    "Xiaoyou, do you know what it's like to kiss you?" "Kissing you, my taste buds ushered in spring." The sunset light shrouded the entire

    coast, and the sea breeze brushed Ruan Wenyou's cheeks. Leaning lazily on Ah Mu's shoulder.

    At that time, Ah Mu was afraid that he would be worried, so she also told him: "Ah Mu's world is very simple, with sunshine and air, roses all over the island, and a always bright and sweet Ruan Wenyou." Ruan Wenyou's ankle is

    tied The bell, the corner of the red dress fluttered, and Ah Mu gently put his arms around his waist, teaching him to dance the waltz.

    The figures of the two intertwined, dressed in moonlight, and danced the most romantic roundabout.

    The crisp bell continued to ring, Ah Mu asked Ruan Wenyou to wrap his legs around him firmly, and then pressed him onto the bed.

    "Xiaoyou, when I marry you in the future, you can call me 'husband'."

    After the beautiful and romantic twilight dissipated, Ruan Wenyou pursued the twilight in his dreams all the way with hope, and came to Gu Xiuting.

    Born in Gu's family, Gu Xiuting, who has been in control since childhood, has a more complicated and contradictory temperament than Ah Mu.

    "Ruan Wenyou, have you ever seen Gu Xiuting in your eyes?" He refused to be anyone, and he hated seeing another strange self through Ruan Wenyou's eyes.

    But with the arrival of the second estrus period, Gu Xiuting gradually changed.

    He is essentially an insecure child who craves love and care. He can cry and act coquettishly.

    He hugged Ruan Wenyou tightly, crying and calling him over and over again: "Woooooo, wife, don't go."

    "Call me by my name, wife."

    Seeing Gu Xiuting indifferently, he also received a simple gift. For joy, he put the self-made bookmark given by Ruan Wenyou in the book he often reads.

    This man also began to learn to care about Ruan Wenyou, offered to buy him socks and helped him put them on himself.

    Ruan Wenyou also put a pink hat on for him before going out.

    "Be careful on the road, Mrs. Gu."

    ...During the half-pain and half-awake state, Ruan Wenyou grabbed the blood-stained bed sheet under him vigorously, and he also bit his lower lip so hard that blood came out from his lip.

    "It seems that there are two children, please work harder! They will come out soon!" The female doctor next to him held Ruan Wenyou's hand and kept encouraging him.

    Beads of sweat kept slipping, and the huge pain would swallow Ruan Wenyou's consciousness at any time, but he gritted his teeth and tried his best to hold on.

    After tossing and tossing for almost the whole night, in the early morning, the cries of the two babies came from the room one after another.

    "Great! They are twins, and they look healthy!" The female doctor smiled.

    Before the other party finished speaking, Ruan Wenyou, who was as weak as silk, reluctantly moved his lips: "Give me...show me them." The

    female doctor nodded, and together with the male doctor next to her, she put this Both babies were held in front of Ruan Van You.

    The moment he saw the two babies, two lines of tears fell unconsciously from Ruan Wenyou's eyes, and he cried again.

    He thought he would grow up slowly, but it seemed that he grew up overnight, and now he has two children of his own.

    Tears blurred his eyes, and Ruan Van You, who was almost exhausted, passed out again with tears in his eyes.


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