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Ruan Wenyou did not pass out like the previous few times, and still retained a little consciousness tonight.

Ah Mu hugged him into her arms and kissed him on the cheek: "Xiaoyou, you said that you are very grateful for what I have done for you, and you think I am very good to you. better."

Ah Mu has no memory of the past, and has no memory of his identity at all, but Ruan Wenyou is not on guard against abandoning him. Instead, he kindly takes him in and keeps trying to evoke his memory.

Ruan Wenyou has always treated him sincerely, and trusts Ah Mu more and more, even handing himself over to Ah Mu.

"What if I'm a liar and lie all the time, what will you do?" Ah Mu asked him again.

Ruan Wenyou froze for a few seconds, then put his ear on Ah Mu's heart, listening to his steady heartbeat, Ruan Wenyou grinned: "You are not a liar."

"Xiaoyou, you are only 19 years old, do you know what love is?"

"Before I met you, I had never been in love, and I didn't know how it feels to be in love with someone. But now that you have appeared, you can teach me slowly about love."

Three days later, Ah Mu was cleaning at home. It was also his first time cooking, and he personally stewed a pot of fish soup.

And Ruan Wenyou took fruit milk early in the morning to visit Meng Taoyu, and he should still be at Meng Taoyu's home at the moment.

The two had a phone call around ten o'clock, and Ah Mu confirmed Ruan Wenyou's safety. He continued to wait patiently at home, but it was almost twelve noon, but Ruan Wenyou still hadn't come back.

Ah Mu became uneasy, he grabbed the phone and wanted to remind Ruan Wenyou, but unexpectedly the phone rang, it happened to be Ruan Wenyou calling.

Ah Mu hurriedly picked it up, but his face changed suddenly, because the voice on the other end was not familiar at all.


Although the other party greeted with a smile, there was a chill in it. Ah Mu recognized the man's voice, it was Fang Zhengxian who caused trouble in the nightclub that night.

"Why is it you? What about Xiaoyou?" Ah Mu's voice suddenly became condensed.

"His mobile phone is in my hand, and of course he is also with me. By the way, there is also his **** sister."

After Fang Zhengxian finished speaking, he listened to Ah Mu again. There was the sound of waves all around, and Ruan Wenyou's crying came intermittently, and he was still calling "sister"...

Ah Mu's heart suddenly picked up, and Fang Zhengxian comforted him with a sneer: "Don't worry, they are not in danger for the time being, but if you come too slowly and make me wait impatiently, then I will chat with them and have some fun game."

Twenty minutes later, Ah Mu hurried to the pier on the west coast of the island. Usually there are only yachts and recreational wooden boats, and it is rare to see huge private cruise ships. But today, a luxurious ship is docked.

The guards on the boat noticed Ah Mu from a distance, and when Ah Mu ran, someone came down to greet him and led him all the way to the lobby on the fifth floor.

There was a dining table in front of Fang Zhengxian. He sat on the main seat and had been waiting for many days. And behind him stood Ruan Wenyou with his hands bound. It was difficult for him to break the rope, and he was surrounded by four or five strong bodyguards.

Originally, Fang Zhengxian only wanted to tie Meng Taoyu today, but Ruan Wenyou bumped into him again, so he ordered someone to knock Ruan Wenyou unconscious, and then tied them both to the boat.

Different from his attitude towards Ah Mu that night, Fang Zhengxian was polite and polite today, inviting him to a seat and saying, "Long time no see, Mr. Gu."

A Mu was puzzled after hearing this: "Did you admit the wrong person? I am A Mu."

"Haha, this name is too ridiculous! Did this country boy give it to you? Gu Xiuting."

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