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After Meng Taoyu was hospitalized, the entertainment club she ran was temporarily closed. Bad news always spread quickly, and the people nearby were in a state of panic, fearing that Fang Zhengxian would wait for an opportunity to retaliate in a few days if he insisted on expressing such anger.

But Fang Zhengxian was unexpectedly peaceful. Since the disturbance in Meng Taoyu's store that night, he has not shown up easily, and he has not been seen in any clubs.

But this Young Master Fang, who came all the way from the inland, is arrogant and scheming. As long as he stays on Rose Island for a day without leaving the island, he is a deadly threat, like a demon that can destroy them at any time.

Everyone was safe and sound this week, and before we knew it, the next week was ushered in. Meng Taoyu was also discharged from the hospital smoothly, but she wanted to rest at home, and was not in a hurry to open the door and resume business.

On the day she was discharged from the hospital, Meng Taoyu wore a simple white dress with only a fresh daisy printed on the skirt, which was completely different from her previous glamorous image.

But Meng Taoyu did the same in the "Masked Rose" finals that night.

If the rest of the dancers are like delicate roses, then Meng Taoyu is a white butterfly among the flowers. The white butterfly dances lightly, but does not linger on any rose.

Ruan Wenyou greeted her with a smile, and A Mu was also with him, and they sent Meng Taoyu home together.

Meng Taoyu smiled and expressed his thanks to Ah Mu. After that, she deliberately dismissed Ruan Wenyou, and told Ah Mu alone: ​​"You are very brave, but you have to act cautiously in the future, and don't take risks for insignificant people."

"You think you are irrelevant? You are obviously so important to Xiaoyou." A Mu said.

Meng Taoyu couldn't help smiling bitterly: "But you can only save me for a while."

Ah Mu was startled, suddenly he couldn't refute anything.

"Anyway, thank you. Don't worry, I'm never one to admit defeat easily. The only one who can save me in the end is probably myself."

Ah Mu nodded when she heard the words: "Your life is not terrible, you are also beautiful, not dirty at all, don't give up on yourself."

The corners of Meng Taoyu's mouth could not help but curl up: "I seem to understand a little bit, the reason why Ayou is becoming more and more infatuated with you."

"Ah Mu, Ayou will leave the island soon, and the day when I parted with him is getting closer and closer. I can't keep guarding him, but you can. If something happens to me in the future , I just hope you can be braver for him."

"Well, I will." Ah Mu agreed, and said, "You will be safe and sound, and continue to sing and dance."

Meng Tao said: "Thank you."

Good things come in pairs. On the second day after Meng Taoyu was discharged from the hospital, the original owner of the orange cat "Mian Mian" finally appeared in Uncle Qin's milk tea shop and brought back the long-lost cat.

Zheng Shuiling was very sad, even though he was comforted by his brother for a long time, it was still difficult to get out of the lost mood.

She also cried and said to Ruan Wenyou: "It turns out that it is not called 'Mian Mian', but 'Xiao Shan'. It really does not belong to my 'Mian Mian', woo woo...it will never come back again."

Ruan Wenyou touched the little girl's head, but said: "No, it is obviously your 'Mianmian'. Xiaoling, in the eyes of others, it is a cat called 'Xiaoshan', but it will always be It's your 'Mianmian'."

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