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On the sixth night of Ah Mu's susceptible period, Ruan Wenyou's neighbor, that is, the female Omega called her concubine.

Hearing the noise from next door, Ruan Wenyou blushed, suspecting that the neighbor's sister did it on purpose, but Ah Mu became more excited after hearing it.

On the seventh day, Ruan Wenyou was so tired that he couldn't even lift his fingers. He fainted and woke up several times. Later, Ah Mu helped Ruan Wenyou clean up and apply medicine himself.

For a week, almost every part of the house left the smell of the two of them.

Ordinary Betas definitely cannot bear this kind of intensity and long process, but Omega's estrus period is also one week, and after they have a partner, they will gradually adapt.

Ruan Wenyou slept until noon on the eighth day before slowly opening his eyes.

Ah Mu didn't hold him in his arms like a few days ago, but sat on the edge of the bed with his back to him.

There was no trace of the fragrance of paper and ink in the air, and the aura surrounding Ah Mu was completely different. This Alpha's susceptibility period was finally over.

Facing Ah Mu who was normally sober, Ruan Wenyou was a little ashamed. The two looked at each other, unnaturally brushing their cheeks.

Ah Mu remained silent, like the "dumb" state when he first woke up. Ruan Wenyou became more and more embarrassed. He thought about pretending to be asleep, but even if he could lie down for a whole day today, what would happen next?

After a long time, it was Ah Mu who broke the silence first. He slowly took Ruan Wenyou's hand, there was no trace of joke in his black and white eyes, he was sincere and firm: "I will marry you, Ruan Wenyou."

"Ah?" Ruan Wenyou's eyes widened in fright, and he quickly pulled out his hand, "Ah Mu, actually you don't have to..."

He was about to say something, but was interrupted by a hasty knock on the door.

"Ayou, Ayou! Are you home?"

Meng Taoyu was outside the door. She knocked a few times and saw no one answered. She felt even more anxious, "I heard from Uncle Qin that you asked for leave and didn't go to work last week. What's going on?"

Hearing Meng Taoyu's voice, Ruan Wenyou quickly responded loudly: "I...I'm fine! Sister."

He still wanted to open the door, but was stopped by Ah Mu: "Lie down well, and leave the rest to me."

After Meng Taoyu entered the door, she quickly understood the whole story. She had a headache: "My God! Ayou, do you still call it 'all right'? It's clear that something serious happened!"

Meng Taoyu has no relatives around her. Since she met Ruan Wenyou, she has always regarded Ruan Wenyou as her own younger brother.

But she happened to be very busy last week, so she didn't expect this to happen.

Meng Taoyu gave Ah Mu a hard look, and resisted the urge to beat him up. Different from her attitude towards Ah Mu at the beginning, she didn't want to see this man for the time being, so she closed the bedroom door.

"Ayou, are you a living Bodhisattva?"

When talking to Ruan Wenyou alone, Meng Taoyu didn't go around the bush at all, and got straight to the point.

"Sorry, sister."

"Why are you apologizing to me, oh, what a fool!" Meng Taoyu couldn't help sighing, "Although you were born on Rose Island, you have seen this kind of thing a lot, and you are mentally more mature than other children, but you also You can't be bullied in vain!"

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