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Ah Mu doesn't have a mobile phone, so it's inconvenient to contact, and these days, adults always carry mobile phones with them. It would be abnormal for someone not to have his own mobile phone.

Ruan Wenyou was embarrassed to trouble Meng Taoyu any more, he gritted his teeth and reluctantly bought A Mu a domestic mobile phone.

Because I bought it during the event, I can also upgrade the home network by the way, so that the speed of the home network is also much faster.

Before Ruan Wenyou could open his mouth, Ah Mu wrote him an IOU and said, "I will pay you back later."

The two have been together for many days, and Ah Mu can really feel that Ruan Wenyou's life is not easy. He usually saves food and money, not only works during the day, but sometimes goes out to set up a street stall at night.

In the last "Masked Rose" competition, he even danced in a woman's dress, thinking he could get some money.

"Ah Mu, have you thought of anything recently?" Ruan Wenyou asked.

A Mu shook his head.

After Ruan Wen washed Ah Mu's clothes first, he folded them and put them in the cabinet. The expensive-looking watch was also placed next to the clothes.

Tonight, Ruan Wenyou took out the broken watch. Ah Mu took it in his hand and looked at it, looking thoughtful.

"I took the watch to be repaired before, but I asked a few shops, and the master said it was difficult to repair. When I am free, I will go a little further next time and ask the masters in other shops. Maybe the watch can be repaired. You can remember anything too."

Ruan Wenyou thinks that this damaged watch may be the key item for Ah Mu to recover his memory.

"By the way, this watch seems to be able to detect and identify genes. When I held it in my hand before, it made a beep, saying that I am an inferior Omega."

Ah Mu's eyes changed slightly: "Bad Omega?"

"Yeah, my parents are both Betas, but they gave birth to me as an Omega. But I don't think genes can determine anything. Even if I'm weak and sick, have a short life span, and I'm deaf in one ear, it's not a big deal."

Ruan Wenyou's face was indifferent, and he saw it clearly: "As long as you find the right goal in life, you can live a full and happy life, and it will be great if you don't waste every day."

"It seems that you have found the right target." Ah Mu said.

"Yes, I am studying hard now. In the future, I will earn money to treat my grandma, and then live in a beautiful big house with my grandma. In the future, the yard at home will be filled with roses, and I will raise cute cats and puppies. Life will be very fulfilling Already!"

When imagining a bright future, Ruan Wenyou's eyes were radiant, as if thousands of stars had been crushed.

Ah Mu was attracted by these bright starry eyes, he stared blankly for a while, then asked subconsciously: "Then have you thought about your future partner?"

Ruan Wen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled "puchi": "It's just a matter of chance! Anyway, I'm young, and I don't want to be in a relationship at all now. It's better to do math problems than to be in a relationship."

Ah Mu: "..."

"Besides, childbirth is so painful, and the level of medical treatment in the past was limited. Many Omegas died of dystocia, which is really pitiful.

Inferior Omega has a high probability of infertility, which is just right for me, so I don't have to suffer. "

After hearing this, Ah Mu looked at Ruan Wenyou who was in a good mood and smiling.

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