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    The weather is getting hotter, but Ruan Wenyou usually wears a long-sleeved jacket in class in order to cover his bulging belly.

    Most of the students around him wore short-sleeved sleeves, and some admired Ruan Wenyou, saying that he was very resistant to heat.

    Ruan Wenyou laughed it off, thinking that it would be summer vacation after a while, and then he wouldn't have to wrap up so tightly at home.

    This weekend, Ruan Wenyou also found out his short-sleeved T-shirt and shorts. When he walked around the house, he was obviously much cooler.

    Gu Xiuting went to the company to work overtime on Saturday, and was in a hurry to leave early on Sunday morning, and came back after lunch.

    Seeing Ruan Wenyou's white arms exposed and a pair of white, tender and straight legs dangling in front of his eyes, he couldn't help but hesitate.

    In Lanyang Villa, besides him and Ruan Wenyou during the day, Housekeeper He and other nannies were also there.

    Gu Xiuting stared at Ruan Wenyou's legs for a while, then lowered the temperature of the air conditioner a little.

    "You should change into long trousers, Ruan Wenyou."

    Ruan Wenyou was stunned and hesitated after hearing this: "But the weather is hot now, and I will stay at home today and not go out..." "The air conditioner I have lowered the temperature, you really feel hot, and you don’t want to wear long pants, then you can change into a long skirt.”

    Ruan Wenyou: “…” Gu Xiuting didn’t let him go out wearing ankle socks last time, and now he is at home , and he is not allowed to wear shorts.

    Then in winter, will Gu Xiuting tell him to wear bright red long johns? Ruan Wenyou suddenly felt the love from his old father, and the generation gap between them was eleven years old.

    However, he obediently put on his trousers afterwards.

    Another week passed in a blink of an eye, and Ruan Wen didn't have time to visit his sister Meng Taoyu before. He happened to have nothing to do this weekend, and Gu Xiuting also rested at home.

    Meng Taoyu never knew the truth, and she always hoped that Ruan Wenyou would go to see her with Ah Mu.

    Ruan Wenyou was in a dilemma, after all, "A Mu" on Rose Island had long since disappeared.

    Ruan Wenyou rolled his eyes, pondered in his heart, and finally asked: "Sir, can you...can you do me a favor?" "Well, what do you want me to do for you?" Gu Xiuting didn't think about it, Put it bluntly.

    "I want to see my sister, can you go with me?" "Yes, when shall we leave?" Gu Xiuting stood up.

    Unexpectedly, he agreed so quickly, Ruan Wenyou was startled, but stopped him and said: "However, there is one more prerequisite, that is..." "Please make it clear."

    Ruan Wenyou couldn't help but clenched his palms, There is also obvious tension on the face: "My sister lived with me on Rose Island before. Although I have no blood relationship with her, she loves me more than her own sister and takes care of me in everything

    . I don't know about Gu Xiuting.

    Because I was afraid that she would be worried and provoked, I never told her the truth, and she didn't even know about my pregnancy or my fake marriage with you." "Sir, you are not familiar with my sister

    . "A Mu", but, can you be an "A Mu" for a day?" Ruan Wenyou lowered his head, his lips turned pale, and his palms began to sweat, "If you don't want to, you can completely refuse me.

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