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The other party's breath was warm, the moment Ruan Wenyou touched his mouth, Ruan Wenyou trembled physically and mentally, a blush climbed up his cheeks, and even the back of his ears began to feel hot.

They didn't even know each other, and within a day of meeting, they were actually kissed.

Ruan Wenyou pushed the man away: "I kindly invite you to drink milk tea, but you are acting like a hooligan!"

Ah Mu: "..."

Seeing his innocent face, Ruan Wenyou pointed to his mouth again, and said, "You can't just kiss someone here casually! I'm being magnanimous when I beat you today. If I were someone with a bad temper, I might beat you!" You can’t do this again without permission in the future, do you understand?”

Ruan Wenyou stared with a rare serious expression. Ah Mu nodded slightly after hearing this, then picked up the milk tea in his hand and drank it again.

Ruan Wenyou: "..."

For some reason, I always felt that this man didn't seem to be reflecting.

When Ruan Wenyou found Ah Mu on the coast, he was wearing a formal suit, but the coat disappeared, probably washed away by the sea long ago.

As for his shirt and trousers, they were not only covered with mud, but also worn away by sand and stones. After Ruan Wenyou washed it by hand, it looked old, wrinkled and a little faded.

The clothes are foreign brands that Ruan Wenyou has never seen before. They seem to be very expensive, but now they can no longer wear them.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Taoyu, who had been here in the morning, knocked on the door again.

In fact, Meng Taoyu also has a spare key for this house, but since there is an extra Ah Mu, she is afraid of inconvenience, so this time she didn't open the door directly to come in.

Ruan Wenyou asked her to buy two sets of clothes in the morning, intending to pay her. But Meng Taoyu laughed it off, and refused to ask for a cent for anything, and she bought not only two sets, but three or four sets, she also bought sports shoes and men's leather shoes for Ah Mu.

"I've been picking out for a long time, these clothes should suit him very well." Meng Taoyu smiled.

Ruan Wenyou took the large and small shopping bags from her hand, took out the clothes one by one, and first let Ah Mu wear a casual home dress.

"Ayou, I also chose two sets that look very fashionable, and you can change them for him later."

Meng Taoyu was very confident in her clothes, and said that even a simple T-shirt and jeans would look good on Ah Mu, after all, Ah Mu was in good shape and was a natural clothes hanger.

"Thank you, sister! I've troubled you this time, and it's still so expensive. I'll treat you to a big meal another day."

"It's a small matter. I like drinking the milk tea you make very much. You just buy me a few more cups." Meng Taoyu smiled, and when she looked at Ruan Wenyou, her eyes almost overflowed with pampering.

Regarding Ah Mu's background, Meng Taoyu didn't find out any news for the time being: "I'll help you pay attention for a while, Ah You."

Afterwards, Ruan Wenyou wanted to keep her for dinner, but Meng Taoyu politely declined: "The shop is quite busy recently, I have to go on stage to sing tonight, so I need to prepare in advance. I don't think there will be enough time, I will come to your place for dinner another day."

"Okay, anyway, my sister is always welcome here. I wish you a smooth performance tonight, and you should also pay attention to your body and don't get too tired."

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