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    The bell for the end of class rang long ago, and the students left the classroom one after another, but Ruan Wenyou was still in a daze, sitting in the front row without moving.

    Gu Jue walked over and patted him on the shoulder: "Xiao You, class is over, why are you in a daze? What are you thinking?" Ruan Wenyou's mind was pulled back by Gu Jue's slap: "I ...I'm thinking first..." "The question that the teacher taught in class earlier."

    Gu Jue's eyes changed slightly when he heard this, and although he was a little dubious, he still nodded.

    Ruan Wenyou breathed a sigh of relief, it's so dangerous! He almost said just now that he missed Mr. Gu Xiuting.

    He couldn't help but look down at the little yellow duck socks on his feet again, thinking of Gu Xiuting's "Mrs. Gu" in the morning, the corners of Ruan Wenyou's lips raised unconsciously, and his mood became much happier and more relaxed.

    Ruan Wenyou raised his head again, and accidentally caught sight of Li Yuejiu who was leaning against the door of the classroom.

    Li Yuejiu was not in a hurry to leave, and also looked towards Ruan Wenyou and Gu Jue.

    Seeing this, Ruan Wenyou waved to Li Yuejiu.

    Unexpectedly, Li Yuejiu's eyes dodged, and he turned and walked away in a hurry.

    Seeing Ruan Wenyou beckoning suddenly, Gu Jue looked back, but saw no one, he was unavoidably a little puzzled: "Xiaoyou, who did you greet just now?" "Oh, it's okay, maybe I misread.

    " After the class was over, Ruan Wenyou and Gu Jue went to the cafeteria to eat together after they left the classroom.

    Gu Jue sat across from Ruan Wenyou and chatted with him.

    A row apart, Li Yuejiu sat alone in the back, and his eyes fell on the two of them again.

    Gu Jue turned his back to him, naturally he didn't notice this gaze, but Ruan Wenyou caught it in time.

    After being discovered, Li Yuejiu immediately took the plate and sat down in a new place, which was further away from them.

    Ruan Wenyu was puzzled, he felt that Li Yuejiu's actions seemed unintentional, but he seemed to have been paying attention to him and Gu Jue, especially Gu Jue.

    ... Li Yuejiu was fined for skipping class earlier, so he has to stay in the library this semester to help the administrator aunt.

    At noon that day, it was his turn to be on duty again, and it happened that Ruan Wenyou also came to borrow books.

    Ruan Wenyou held a few books in his arms, and this time he also asked Li Yuejiu to copy the study materials for him.

    Li Yuejiu readily agreed, since he was sitting in front of the computer anyway, it was a trivial matter.

    Originally, Li Yuejiu's own USB flash drive was connected to the computer and he did not unplug it, but now he plugged Ruan Wenyou's USB flash drive into another interface.

    The names of the two U disks are different, but there is the same file name "professional course" in it.

    Without paying attention, Li Yuejiu moved his own "professional courses" folder to Ruan Wenyou's USB flash drive.

    The contents of the two files were replaced, but at this time, neither of them cared.

    At 10:30 in the evening, Gu Xiuting, who had showered, walked to the study on the second floor, intending to tell Ruan Wenyou to go to bed quickly.

    However, when he walked to the door of the study, he heard an unusually ambiguous voice.

    "Um! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...don't..." "No way! Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "Heavy panting sounds belonging to the man, intertwined with cries and groans, and the sound of clashing flesh and sticky water is also continuous, one higher than the other... Gu Xiuting froze at the door for an instant, his With a frown, he opened the door and went in.

    Sure enough, as he expected, Ruan Wenyou was facing the computer screen, and in the video were two naked men, they were... Ruan Wenyou originally planned to listen to lectures via video, but the picture was so shocking that he was scared Silly.

    Unexpectedly, Gu Xiuting would appear again the next moment, and he was even more panicked.

    He was in a hurry, he should have clicked the cross to close immediately, but he slipped his hand and made a mistake, and maximized the video again.

    Ruan Wenyou became more and more flustered, and the wireless mouse suddenly failed at this time, and he couldn't control it at all.

    "Yeah, ahhh! That's great! Husband..." The man's yelling continued, but it was Gu Xiuting who came over with a sullen face and pressed the power switch, and the computer finally went black.

    Ruan Wenyou blushed completely, he stammered: "Well, you misunderstood! Sir, you...you listen to my explanation! I don't know how this video..." Gu Xiuting restrained his emotions, There was no extra emotion on his face: "Needless to say, I understand."

    Ruan Wenyou: "..." Wait! What did he understand? ! "After some Omegas are pregnant, their sexual desire will be stronger than before pregnancy."

    Gu Xiuting said seriously, "You don't have to secretly read these, if you want, just tell me." "

    Sir, you really misunderstood, I... um Ah!" Ruan Wenyou didn't have time to finish, because Gu Xiuting embraced his whole body, and the other party buried his head in sucking the nipples on his chest... At the same time, Li Yuejiu in the male dormitory building was ashamed. .

    In front of his eyes, a teaching course was playing, and the math teacher in the video was eloquent, explaining the theory of complex variable functions.

    After Li Yuejiu repeatedly confirmed the file name of the video, he felt even more hopeless.

    The "professional courses" he cherished, such a precious and precious resource, have really become mathematics courses now.

    Gu Jue came back at this time. Seeing this, he patted Li Yuejiu: "I have changed my view of you."

    Li Yuejiu didn't quite understand. He wanted to turn off the video, but Gu Jue suddenly smiled: "Don't you I’m pretending.”

    Li Yuejiu was taken aback for a moment, then patted his chest, with a calm expression on his face: “What am I pretending to do? I’m a real Beta, I’m a real Beta, I’m never pretending to be B!” “I don’t mean this, Rather..." Gu Jue paused, and then found out that Li Yuejiu's math simulation test paper.

    Looking at the test paper that Gu Jue had pasted up with scotch tape, Li Yuejiu's pupils shrank, and he didn't refute anything.

    The matter has come to this point, he has been exposed, so many reasons can't hide this fact.

    "You can clearly do well in the exam, why did you choose to be the bottom one?" Li Yuejiu was silent for a moment, as if he had made a decision, he squeezed his palms tightly, and fixedly stared into Gu Jue's eyes: "Because You like number one."

    After hearing this, Gu Jue's expression froze, and deeper surprise appeared in his eyes.

    "I know my level very well. Playing games is definitely the number one, but I can't compare to Ruan Wenyou in studying, and I don't want to compete with you for the second place." Li Yuejiu approached

    Gu Jue while talking, and finally he used His forehead directly touched Gu Jue's forehead.

    "Since the number one Ruan Wenyou can attract you, then the last one is also the first. I want you to pay attention to me."


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