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    The tongues of the two were intimately intertwined, and Gu Xiuting was gradually immersed in the sweetness of Ruan Wenyou's mouth, constantly licking and teasing his trembling little tongue.

    I don't know when it started, once Gu Xiuting's mouth was filled with Ruan Wenyou's breath and body fluid, the primitive desire buried deep in his blood would be aroused.

    The turbulent tide of emotion burst, and Gu Xiuting lost his previous calmness and indifference, like a male lion obeying his desires, he broke out of the cage, and fiercely expanded the territory beneath him.

    Ruan Wenyou's inner wall was heated and trembled from the friction, he lost his mind, and his crying was confused and unrestrained.

    His upturned genitals also swayed with Gu Xiuting's collision, obviously before any fondling, but a little bit of lewd fluid slowly overflowed from his eyelashes.

    Gu Xiuting straightened his hips, piercing back and forth in Ruan Wenyou's internal acupoint, he explained the depth in a simple way, controlled the rhythm and pumped, grinding and stabbing at various tricky angles.

    The depths of Ruan Wenyou's sensitive tunnel were already wet and numb, and the combined sound of water came from under the two of them, louder and louder, and the mixed juice also slid down the inside of his thigh, and all flowed onto the table superior.

    Ruan Wenyou's most sensitive and slippery acupoints received special treatment from Gu Xiuting.

    Every time he advances, he aims at that place and pokes violently with the head of his glans.

    Finally, following the spray from Ruan Wenyou's front end, streams of sweet juices flowed out of his dripping pussy, all of which poured on Gu Xiuting's ferocious and thick cock, causing the giant to feel like it was soaking in a warm pussy .

    Except that the first two nights were too out of control, Gu Xiuting ejaculated into Ruan Wenyou's genital cavity.

    In the days that followed, he had consciously controlled it, and it was the same today. Gu Xiuting didn't push into the reproductive uterine cavity, so he rubbed the mouth of the uterus, and then shot out thick white essence, which was all irrigated to Ruan Wenyou.

    ... On the fourteenth day, Ruan Wenyou finally lost his lust, and the sweet pheromones no longer drifted wildly.

    Ruan Wenyou, who regained his sanity, hurriedly put on the restraining collar, and then hid in his room, completely wrapping himself in the quilt.

    Seeing that he even covered his head, Gu Xiuting was afraid that he would not be able to breathe well, so he wanted to pull off the quilt.

    Ruan Wenyou struggled twice, and his voice sounded particularly nervous and embarrassed: "I...I want to be alone, can you go out first?" "..." Gu Xiuting's movements froze, he thought for a moment, then silently Walking out of Ruan Wenyou's bedroom, he even closed the door for him.

    Ruan Wenyou poked his head out when Gu Xiuting's footsteps could no longer be heard, his face was completely flushed and extremely hot.

    He was too ashamed to face Gu Xiuting now, and wanted to calm down.

    Ruan Wenyou's estrus lasted for nearly two weeks, which was longer than his previous ones.

    He thought to himself, could it be the reason of pregnancy? He has one more unspeakable thing, which he has not told anyone.

    After three months, as the baby grew and reached his prostate, he could easily ejaculate even without the slightest touch.

    During these ten days, Ruan Wenyou didn't remember every day clearly, he lived in a muddle.

    But one day, because Gu Xiuting acted too aggressively, he couldn't ejaculate from the front of his head, and finally urinated.

    Whenever Ruan Wenyou thought of this, every cell in his body seemed to go crazy. The more he thought about it, the more embarrassing he became, he buried his hot face in the quilt, and couldn't help scratching the bed.

    Another day passed, and on the fifteenth day, Ruan Wenyou planned to go to school.

    Just listening to online classes at home is of course better than sitting in the classroom and studying, but Gu Xiuting shook his head and asked him to rest for another day.

    "But..." Ruan Wenyou was about to say something, but Housekeeper He came in at this moment. He smiled and saluted Gu Xiuting and Ruan Wenyou, and said: "Sir, madam, there are guests here."

    Gu Xiuting couldn't help frowning, he had clearly explained before that he hadn't seen outsiders for the past two weeks.

    Even though today is the fifteenth day, Ruan Wenyou still needs to recuperate at home so as not to be disturbed by others.

    Just as Gu Xiuting was about to refuse customers, Butler He said, "Sir, it's not an outsider, but..." "Gu Jue, why are you here?" Ruan Wenyou was the first to notice the figure at the door, and he recognized it immediately A "guest".

    Gu Xiuting also stood up, walked up to Gu Jue, and asked in a cold voice: "You came to see me suddenly today, what's the matter?" Gu Jue glanced at him, even colder than Gu Xiuting: "I'm not here See you."

    Before he finished speaking, he brushed past Gu Xiuting and walked towards Ruan Wenyou.

    His expression also became gentle: "After so many days of rest, how do you feel now? Sister-in-law."

    His ending sound rose, which seemed to emphasize the word "sister-in-law" intentionally.

    Gu Jue is Ruan Wenyou's class monitor, and he wouldn't call him that at all.

    Ruan Wenyou was very upset when he heard this, smiled wryly twice, and said: "I'm fine, Gu Jue, you should call me by my name."

    Gu Jue nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, Xiaoyou.

    " "It sounded more gentle, but Ruan Wenyou was a little confused, because Gu Jue used to call him by his full name before, why did he suddenly change it? "Xiaoyou, you have been on leave for a long time, and Professor Cheng's class is also absent.

    I know you like his class, so I copied all the relevant courseware and put them in a USB flash drive. I also took notes. You can take them. Let's see."

    Gu Jue generously lent the notebook and USB flash drive that he brought to Ruan Wenyou.

    Ruan Wenyou's eyes lit up, and his face was full of gratitude: "Thank you so much! Gu Jue, I will read the USB flash drive and these notes and return them to you as soon as possible." Gu Jue shook his head slightly: "I'm not in a hurry,

    you You can take your time."

    After hearing this, Ruan Wenyou couldn't help grinning, revealing two cute little rabbit teeth.

    Gu Xiuting, who had been ignored by the two of them, stood aside: "..."

    Author: Xiaoyou, when did Xiu'er resemble Ah Mu the most? Ruan Wenyou: When drinking milk and doi.


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