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On the third day after Ah Mu entered the susceptible period, she didn't fall asleep for a long time during the day, and was awake almost all day, so Ruan Wenyou couldn't take the opportunity to slip away.

And as soon as Ruan Wenyou approached the door, Ah Mu reacted quickly, immediately pulled Ruan Wenyou back, and then hugged him tightly in his arms without moving.

Ruan Wenyou wanted to cry, but he had to coax him patiently for a long time before Ah Mu let go of his hand a little.

Ruan Wenyou thought about taking Ah Mu to see a doctor, but Ah Mu doesn't even have an ID card, and now he is an uncontrollable Alpha who releases pheromones at any time.

Ah Mu can influence him, and of course it can also stimulate other Omegas. Once Ah Mu goes out, the consequences will be unmanageable.

Ruan Wenyou's suppression circle was out of battery again, and he hadn't had a chance to charge it for the past two days. When Ah Mu pressed over, the pheromone belonging to Alpha enveloped him, full of compulsion, this thing was useless at all.

Ruan Van U also tried air barriers, but the effect was minimal. He wanted to inject Ah Mu with suppressant drugs, but Ah Mu was quite resistant and resisted, shaking his head with red eyes.

Ruan Wenyou pushed Ah Mu away, and Ah Mu couldn't help crying, hugging Ruan Wenyou relentlessly.

In fact, crying is not bad, but when Ah Mu became crazy, he would even hurt himself. He either kept hitting the wall with his head, or bit Ruan Wenyou's clothes, and bit his own arm.

Ruan Wenyou was terrified and didn't know what to do for a while.

Ah Mu kept talking about his "wife", and the pheromones of the two probably had a high degree of compatibility, so Ruan Wenyou half pushed and half gave up, and lay down again.

Ruan Wenyou, who half-closed his eyes, glanced at Ah Mu, tears were hanging from the corners of his eyes again. This man is too fragile and sensitive at this stage, Ruan Wenyou stretched out his hand to wipe it off gently for him: "You...why are you crying again?"

"It's so comfortable, I like my wife the most."

In the past few days, Ruan Wenyou drank all the milk in the refrigerator, he needs to supplement nutrition. He also poured a cup for Ah Mu, but Ah Mu didn't drink a sip, probably only liked Ruan Wenyou's "Four Seasons Milk Green".

When Ruan Wenyou was cooking during the day, Ah Mu followed him all the time. No matter where Ruan Wenyou went, he would follow him, even when Ruan Wenyou went to the bathroom, Ah Mu would guard the door.

The two live like conjoined twins. If the person in front of them is not Ah Mu, Ruan Wenyou will definitely call the police and try to escape, because no matter how handsome the other party is, he is still a pervert, an old rascal!

In the afternoon, Ruan Wenyou took a bite of the rose cake and handed it to Ah Mu. A Mu shook his head, Ruan Wenyou thought he didn't want to eat, but A Mu pointed to the piece that Ruan Wenyou bit.

"..." Ruan Wenyou was stunned, looking at the rose cake that was stained with his own saliva, "Don't you dislike me?"

Ah Mu shook his head resolutely: "I like everything about my wife."

Ruan Wenyou: "..."

Ruan Wenyou checked the relevant information again, and said that Alphas in the susceptible period behave abnormally and their mentality will decline a lot. They are extremely dependent on their partners, and they are full of partners.

Ruan Wenyou has personally experienced it now, even though he refuted ten thousand times, saying that he is not Ah Mu's partner, Ah Mu would not listen at all.

So Ruan Wenyou gave up, and could only wait for Ah Mu to pass the susceptibility period, and gradually got used to Ah Mu calling him this way.

Ruan Wenyou couldn't go out and couldn't work, so he had to call to ask for leave, saying that he was busy with things this week.

Uncle Qin was also very straightforward, agreeing immediately, and cared about Ruan Wenyou, asking if he was not feeling well? Or what happened at home?

Ruan Wenyou took a look at Ah Mu, and it was really hard to say anything, so he made up a perfunctory excuse.

After hanging up the phone, as soon as Ruan Wenyou put down the phone, Ah Mu stared at him with wide eyes: "You talked to someone else, wife."

"Well, Uncle Qin and I asked for leave because of you." Ruan Wenyou poked Ah Mu's forehead with his finger.

Ah Mu was neither angry nor annoyed, but her tone was sour: "You have been talking to others for a long time."

"Not long, less than three minutes."

"It's been over a minute."

Ruan Wenyou: "..."

On the fourth night, Omega, a woman living next door to Ruan Van U, finally couldn't take it anymore. She knocked on the wall and got no response, so she knocked on the door of Ruan Van U's house.

Ruan Wenyou couldn't open the door at this time, because he was tightly imprisoned by Ah Mu, he squeezed out a broken sentence from between his teeth: "What... what's the matter?"

Of course the woman next door knew what they were doing at the moment, and she herself often took people home for the night before, so she didn't speak cryptically at this time: "Kids, it's been a few days, you guys should be quieter!"

Ruan Wenyou was completely ashamed and blushed, and reminded Ah Mu in a low voice. Ah Mu nodded, anyway, as long as his wife hugged him, he would agree to any conditions.

Different from the situation at night, during the day, Ah Mu would be much more stable, and Ruan Wenyou was free to do other things, so on the fifth day, he opened his books and math exercises.

Seeing that Ruan Wenyou was very focused and ignored him, Ah Mu desperately wanted to get his attention.

Ruan Wenyou became more and more unable to concentrate on writing questions, and he couldn't push away the pestering A Mu.

When Ruan Wenyou woke up the next day, Ah Mu had already put away his books and put them far away from the head of the bed.

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