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    Even though Ying Xiuting said so, Ruan Wenyou did not just leave.

    In addition to external and internal factors, the real reason for him to choose to stay, I am afraid that only he himself knows best.

    The two quickly left the Gu family's house, but they didn't speak during the journey, and when they returned to Lanyang Villa, they didn't communicate with each other the whole time.

    Ruan Wenyou wanted to call Gu Xiuting to stop several times, but unfortunately Gu Xiuting only left him a hurried back.

    Anyone could tell that Gu Xiuting was in a bad mood.

    Ruan Wenyou also knew very well that he was the one who made him angry.

    In the evening, Ruan Wenyou wanted to talk to him again, but Gu Xiuting suddenly went to the company and did not stay at home overnight.

    After that, he also stayed in the company for three consecutive days.

    It's not that Ruan Wenyou never thought about calling and sending messages to Gu Xiuting, but he felt that it would be better to clarify with Gu Xiuting face to face, otherwise it would cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

    In the past few days, Ruan Wenyou went to school as usual, but he was restless and in a daze at every turn.

    Even in his favorite class of Professor Cheng, he lost his mind and was named and criticized by Professor Cheng, which was the first time in history.

    After class, Gu Jue approached him: "Xiao You, after we came back from visiting the sick that day, you were often absent-minded. Did you quarrel with Gu Xiuting?" Captured his mood change for a while.

    "Qin Sha has been taken back to her hometown in Jiangxi."

    Gu Jue suddenly whispered.

    But Ruan Wenyou was still able to hear clearly even though he was wearing a hearing aid, so he couldn't help being surprised.

    "Not only that, the Qin family behind Qin Sha has also been messed up, and the company's stock price has plummeted. She probably won't dare to come here in the past few years." "When did it happen? Why haven't I heard anything about it

    ? "Ruan Wenyou was puzzled.

    Gu Jue's expression changed slightly: "There are actually many things you don't know, it depends on whether Gu Xiuting wants to tell you." "

    So, sir did it?" Gu Jue did not deny it, and said: "Since she After her husband was paralyzed, that woman went crazy.

    And so did my little aunt, her spirit became more and more unstable.

    My little uncle and Gu Xiuting went on a business trip together, but unfortunately died, and she is probably cursing Gu Xiuting in secret every day now."

    Ruan Wenyou couldn't help frowning after hearing this, he remembered that Gu Xiuting had said earlier that many people hated him and wished that he would die sooner.

    Chang Tan also said that it was not an ordinary shipwreck, but an accident caused by man.

    After school in the evening, Gu Jue sent Ruan Wenyou to the school gate.

    It seemed that nothing could be hidden from his eyes, so he finally persuaded him: "Xiaoyou, he is Gu Xiuting, it is impossible for you to let him give up everything he has worked so hard to obtain." Ruan Wenyou nodded

    slightly , during the past few days when Gu Xiuting deliberately ignored him, he also gradually figured out a lot of things.

    It's not just Gu Xiuting, Ah Mu probably doesn't have the word "give up" in his life dictionary, it's because he himself is too naive and idealistic.

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