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This is not the first time that Ruan Wenyou took the initiative to approach Gu Xiuting, the pure and well-behaved top student in everyone's eyes, but at this time, he revealed an unknown side.

Gu Xiuting tore off his tie, but the next moment, Ruan Wenyou was caught off guard, and Gu Xiuting grabbed his wrist.

Without further ado, Gu Xiuting quickly tied Ruan Wenyou's hands with a tie and imprisoned them high above his head.

Gu Xiuting's move was rare and aggressive, Ruan Wenyou was both apprehensive and expectant, but then, Gu Xiuting got up slightly, and stretched out his hand to take off the two small rings smoothly.

Ruan Wenyou's eyes widened involuntarily, but Gu Xiuting acted like a serious head teacher: "I confiscated it. From now on, you wear it once, and I will take it off once."

Ruan Wenyou: "..."

The man had achieved his goal, and then helped Ruan Wenyou put on his pajama pants again.

Ruan Wenyou, whose eyes were wet and red, was suddenly stunned...

"The one who should really punish you is not me."

After Gu Xiuting finished speaking, he finally untied the tie that tied Ruan Wenyou.

This man is still gone...

The moment the door was closed, Ruan Wenyou lost all emotion and desire.

When Ruan Wenyou was a good boy, he was not rewarded with candies. Now he has learned badly, but he will not be punished.

For better or worse, a man will give him nothing.

Three days later, it was Mr. Gu's 80th birthday. At least half of Gu's enterprise's social prestige and status is due to him.

When he was young, he was very famous and made many friends. Now he has retired for many years, but his reputation has always been very high.

In previous years, many distinguished guests from all over the world attended his birthdays. Celebrities from both the business and political circles will almost always attend the gift giving. They spend a lot of money, and many of them also have the idea of ​​marrying the Gu family.

But this year is special. Before the first half of the year is over, the Gu family has experienced weddings and funerals.

Mr. Gu has two sons and two daughters under his knees. His youngest son-in-law was shipwrecked in February and unfortunately passed away. The eldest grandson Gu Xiuting was also on that boat at that time, the two of them were together, and he was also missing for nearly three months.

Later, Gu Xiuting was found by the Gu family, and he was safe and sound, but not long after his return, Gu Xiuting was involved in scandals and his image was damaged. Afterwards, in order to calm the turmoil, Gu Xiuting also had a quick marriage.

In just a few months, Mr. Gu was exhausted physically and mentally, so this birthday banquet didn't want to be too grand, and invited outsiders to come.

He didn't book a hotel either, he just wanted to sit down and have a meal with his family in Gu's old house.

Originally, Gu Xiuting had no intention of taking Ruan Wenyou with him, but the old man specifically told him that he wanted to see Ruan Wenyou very much.

In fact, Gu Xiuting knew his grandfather, this was just an excuse on the surface, he cared more about the unborn child in Ruan Wenyou's womb.

Before going out in the morning, Gu Xiuting put on a hat and mask for Ruan Wenyou, and also asked him to put on a long-sleeved jacket.

Ruan Wenyou was a little puzzled, he thought to himself, others must be dressed formally, but he was so thick and wrapped too tightly.

"Sir, am I wearing too much? It's going to be summer soon."

"not much."

Gu Xiuting spoke concisely and did not explain much.

In fact, he thought far more than Ruan Wenyou. The Gu family's mansion is backed by a mountain, and there is a section of mountain road in front of the main entrance compound, the terrain is a bit high.

Besides, today's weather is cloudy and cloudy, maybe it will be windy in the afternoon, he is worried that Ruan Wenyou will catch a cold and have a fever again.

Of course, the most important thing is that the rest of the Gu family are not good at anything.

The Gu family's private house has green tiles and white walls, which is antique and completely different from the modern decoration style.

The whole yard is surrounded by lush forests, the flowers and green plants are fresh and natural, and there are many rockery and stone carvings everywhere.

The quiet and beautiful water corridor in the courtyard is very long, connecting and running through the entire courtyard. The gravel path is also paved under the steps, forming beautiful patterns on the ground.

Entering through the main entrance, after Gu Xiuting parked the car in the underground garage, he did not go directly to the lobby of the front yard, but took Ruan Wenyou to the backyard.

The two entered one of the guest rooms in the backyard. There were beautiful landscape paintings on the wall, and there were screens and bamboo chairs for people to rest.

"Sir, I'm a little... a little hot." Ruan Wenyou said, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

Hearing this, Gu Xiuting took off his hat and mask for him, picked up the teapot on the table, and poured tea for him.

"You rest for a while, just wait for me in this room, don't run around." Gu Xiuting had to go to the front yard, and when he left, he instructed.

In fact, Ruan Wenyou wanted to ask, why didn't he bring him along?

But he understood Gu Xiuting's temperament, and knew that even if he asked, there would be no result, so he simply nodded in response: "Yes."

It was incompatible with the bustle of the front yard, but the backyard was extremely quiet, and Ruan Wenyou could hear the birds chirping and the sound of the stream flowing.

He was a little bored to be alone, so he pushed open the hollow carved wooden window, intending to look at the scenery outside the window.

There is a tall magnolia tree outside the window, with a fragrant fragrance. There seems to be a person standing under the tree, and the figure is a bit familiar.

Ruan Wenyou looked around carefully, but his pupils shrank, and he recognized the person.

"Gu Jue?!"

Ruan Wenyou yelled subconsciously, and when he realized something was wrong, Gu Jue had already turned his head and noticed him at a glance.

The two looked at each other, both startled.

Soon, Gu Jue walked into the guest room: "Why are you here?"

Ruan Wenyou also had the same question, how could Gu Jue appear in Gu's house?

etc! His surname is also Gu, could it be...

Ruan Wenyou was frightened by his conjecture, and he also regretted why he didn't find out about this earlier.

"Why did Gu Xiuting leave you here alone? Do you want to see him? I'll take you there." Gu Jue stretched out his palm towards Ruan Wenyou while speaking.

Ruan Wenyou was shocked again, he hesitated: "Gu Jue, you... who are you? The relationship with Mr. Gu is..."

Gu Jue interrupted him: "Come with me, wife."

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