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    A day ago, after Gu Xiuting finished taking notes, not long after he left the police station, he received an anonymous phone call.

    Normally, he would not answer such unknown calls at all, but today he was uneasy and had a bad premonition. When he picked it up, it was Fang Zhengxian's voice.

    Knowing that Ruan Wenyou was kidnapped, Gu Xiuting immediately lowered his face, and his brows were filled with anxiety.

    "Let me talk to him a few words and listen to his voice."

    Fang Zhengxian ruthlessly refused: "Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, but you are not worthy of negotiating conditions with me now."

    Gu Xiuting: "..."

    After that , Fang Zhengxian hung up the phone. Gu Xiuting couldn't get any extra information from him at all, and he was afraid that he would go crazy and attack Ruan Wenyou.

    At this time, Gu Xiuting was accompanied by his assistants Chang Tan and Gu Jue. If something happened to the company, they had to cooperate with the investigation.

    Seeing Gu Xiuting's gloomy face, Chang Tan became more and more anxious: "President Gu, what happened again?" "

    Seeing that you are so nervous, could it be that something happened to Xiaoyou?" Gu Jue also asked.

    But Gu Xiuting asked him back: "Don't you understand? You don't have to pretend to be innocent in front of me."

    Gu Jue couldn't help being taken aback, a little speechless: "Do you think I did it?"

    "There must be a ghost in the Gu family."

    "So you just Do you suspect that I joined forces with outsiders?" Gu Jue sneered helplessly, "Gu Xiuting, no matter how much I hate you and this family, I don't bother to do such a thing." "If you don't believe me, then I don't need to waste

    time I explained. Anyway, I will find out the ghost of the Gu family myself. But saving Xiaoyou is the most urgent thing now." After

    Gu Xiuting heard this, he didn't continue to argue with Gu Jue. He didn't care about other things at all now, he just wanted to save Ruan Wenyou back as soon as possible.

    After that, Gu Xiuting and Gu Jue split up. According to Fang Zhengxian's request, Gu Xiuting set off alone first.

    But Gu Jue went to contact the police in secret, they must not startle the snake, they have to follow Gu Xiuting quietly.

    Gu Xiuting, who was driving a speedboat, headed towards Rose Island, wishing he could immediately catch up with Fang's family's private ship.

    Gu Xiuting was probably exhausted both mentally and physically due to too many bad things going on in the past two days, and now he was eager to save others, when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his temple, and he felt a little dizzy.

    Also at sea, Fang Zhengxian seems to have kidnapped Ruan Wenyou before. He was also in a hurry to rescue Ruan Wenyou, and even fought for Ruan Wenyou... An

    inexplicable sense of familiarity struck, and some fragmentary memories followed. As the words poured into Gu Xiuting's mind, his head started to hurt.

    However, he suppressed his headache and accelerated the speed of the yacht instead.


    Ruan Wenyou who regained consciousness, regardless of the pain in his body, struggled to get up from the bed, shouting to see the child.

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