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    When the crying "wife" came to his ears, Ruan Wenyou suddenly thought he had an auditory hallucination. He asked Gu Xiuting, "Sir, what did you call me just now?" "Wife..." Tears fell from Gu Xiuting's eyes Overwhelming, he tightened his grip on Ruan Wenyou, and the crotch became more violent, "I miss you so much, my wife..." Ruan Wenyou's body and mind were shaken, and his mind seemed to float back to Rose in an instant island.

    At this moment, he couldn't tell the difference between Gu Xiuting and A Mu, but they were the same person.

    So once they are in estrus, their general behaviors are similar, they are also sensitive and cry, lack a sense of security, and their mentality will decline a lot.

    Looking at Gu Xiuting with tears in his eyes, Ruan Wenyou put his hands on his face and couldn't help wiping away the tears for him.

    Ruan Wenyou's heart was moved by that simple, gentle and seductive Ah Mu.

    But if Gu Xiuting had removed his indifferent pretense and put down his guard, he would be just a poor and helpless man, which also made Ruan Wenyou feel distressed and reluctant.

    Gu Xiuting's fiery penis rubbed and shuttled between Ruan Wenyou's thighs.

    Ruan Wenyou's delicate legs trembled accordingly, and his smooth and fair inner skin gradually became red, itchy and numb.

    Gu Xiuting's Adam's apple rolled twice, and then he hastily lifted Ruan Wenyou's top, lowered his head and sucked one of the nipples.

    "Yeah!" Ruan Wenyou couldn't help moaning, his red lips were slightly parted, and there was a seductive gleam on his lips.

    After Gu Xiuting's temporary marking, now Ruan Wenyou's chest rarely overflows with milk, but it can't stand Gu Xiuting's intentional teasing at all.

    The two fragile little red grains were repeatedly nibbled and licked, and a little bit of milk flowed out. When Gu Xiuting sucked the left one, he didn't let go of the other side.

    The tip of Ruan Wenyou's right nipple was pulled and pinched, playing with it recklessly, it soon hardened and turned red, and straightened up.

    Ruan Wenyou was panting harder, his forehead and the tip of his nose were dripping with sweat, and his chest couldn't stop heaving.

    The sweet and milky aroma spreads and lingers on the tip of the nose, tempting people's taste buds.

    Gu Xiuting licked all the milk flowing out of Ruan Wenyou's chest, it was sweet and sweet, and not a single drop was wasted.

    The giant under Gu Xiuting was thick and hard, and its speed and strength were increasing.

    Every blow he made was strong and powerful, as if he had used all his strength to tease Ruan Wenyou, grinding the tender flesh on his inner thigh until it was red and swollen, and the skin was about to be scratched.

    "Ah, light... Be light, um!" Ruan Wenyou shook his head and begged for mercy, but desire had already dominated Gu Xiuting, he was intoxicated, and rubbed Ruan Wenyou uncontrollably.

    The small eyelashes in front of Ruan Wenyou couldn't help erecting, and then spurted out.

    He blushed, no matter how sensitive his body was, Ruan Wenyou wouldn't let it out just by his leg for a while.

    However, as the fetus in the womb grows up, it always presses against his prostate. Of course, Ruan Wenyou can't bear a little stimulation, otherwise he will have orgasms one after another, until he can't ejaculate any liquid.

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