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Mrs. Gu has passed away long ago, Mr. Gu has never thought of remarrying these years. He usually likes to water flowers and raise fish in the house by himself, and sometimes he invites old friends to play chess or fish together to pass the time.

The birthday banquet is about to officially begin, and all the descendants of Mr. Gu have already attended. Mr. Gu, who was sitting at the head of the table, looked around and found that there was an empty seat beside Gu Xiuting, and no one sat down for a long time.

Old man Gu couldn't help frowning, and looked at his eldest grandson Gu Xiuting: "Xiao Ting, where is the child?"

"He's not feeling well, resting in the backyard."

Gu Xiuting was not in a hurry, he deliberately hid Ruan Wenyou and asked him to avoid such occasions.

"Well, after I have dinner, I'll go and see that child."

Gu Xiuting's eyes changed slightly, but he had already expected that Mr. Gu would say that, so he agreed.

"Can we go and see together?"

Gu Xiuting's third aunt then said, "Xiu Ting, I learned that you were getting married earlier, and I flew back overnight, but I couldn't see him at the wedding banquet."

This female Alpha got married very early, at the age of twenty. After giving birth to their daughter, the family of three immigrated abroad.

This time, it was Mr. Gu who specially called her back. She had only returned to China for a while, but she came in a hurry and did not bring her husband and daughter back to China.

The third aunt was very interested in Ruan Wenyou, Gu Xiuting hesitated for a moment, but said: "He and I are just married by contract."

The implication is that they don't need to see Ruan Wenyou.

At the previous wedding, Gu Xiuting also went through the process alone. On the big screen in the banquet hall, there was not even a photo of Ruan Wenyou.

But that time the invitations were all relatives and friends of the Gu family, no outsiders. Regarding this contractual marriage, all those present knew well that Gu Xiuting was just holding a wedding and going through the motions.

At Mr. Gu's birthday banquet today, these people clearly had different intentions, but they still pretended to be cold and warm, to create an illusion of warmth and love.

"Oh! Xiao Ting hides it so well, it seems that this daughter-in-law is very precious."

Gu Xiuting's second aunt smiled, her makeup was thick and coquettish, she was also wearing a revealing red tight skirt, and her behavior was quite inconsistent with her age and identity.

"I'm so envious! If only your second uncle could learn from you, it would be great to spoil me so much."

The glamorous Omega woman blinked her fine eyelashes, her eyes lingered repeatedly on Gu Xiuting's face, and her red lips curved into a charming smile.

"..." Gu Xiuting's face didn't change, and there was no mood swing at all.

"Second sister-in-law, my second elder brother obviously loved you very much before! He is also a very protective person. Alas, it's a pity that you have never had children. He is inconvenient now. You should take care of him more."

The female Omega sitting next to the glamorous second aunt is Gu Xiuting's sister-in-law.

Because Gu Qingfang is the youngest daughter of Mr. Gu, she has been spoiled since she was a child. She is not afraid of offending others, and her temper is more straightforward than others.

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