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Today is Friday, Ruan Wenyou has no class in the afternoon, and Gu Xiuting also came back from the company. After lunch, he drove Ruan Wenyou to the genetic research institute where Jiang Zhiyu was working.

Jiang Zhiyu greeted him with a smile, and led Ruan Wenyou into the examination room in Area E.

Gu Xiuting originally wanted to follow along, but Jiang Zhiyu said that he should not be disturbed during the process, and asked Gu Xiuting to wait outside with peace of mind.

After many days, Jiang Zhiyu once again helped Ruan Wenyou do a full-body examination.

Compared with the physical examination in general hospitals, genes can also be tested here, and all the instruments are more advanced and high-end, so the report data obtained is also quite accurate.

After the series of examinations were over, Ruan Wenyou opened his eyes and slowly got up from the bed.

Jiang Zhiyu stepped forward and said with concern: "Xiaoyou, do you still feel uncomfortable these days?"

After all, he has been a doctor and is now a scientific researcher. Jiang Zhiyu's professional ability is beyond doubt, and his words are very straightforward.

Ruan Wenyou thought for a while and said, "Morning sickness has become more frequent."

Generally speaking, morning sickness is a symptom of early pregnancy. After three months, the nausea and vomiting will subside and disappear.

But it also varies from person to person, and the duration of each person's duration is also different. Some people still have morning sickness after four or five months of pregnancy, and some people seldom have such symptoms during the entire pregnancy.

"Xiaoyou, if your vomiting is not serious, don't rush to get treatment, just wait for another month and see."

Ruan Wenyou nodded after hearing this, and said, "And..."

"What else? Don't be embarrassed, there are only you and me here. The sound insulation effect of the room is also very good, and Lao Gu outside will never hear you." Jiang Zhiyu raised his eyebrows and smiled.

He was very friendly, and Ruan Wenyou gradually let go of his worries and confessed everything honestly.

"The glands on the back of my neck have been itching faintly for the past two days. This is a sign of my estrus before. Dr. Jiang, but I have been pregnant for several months, and the estrus has stopped for a long time, but the glands suddenly blew up. It's itchy, kind of weird."

"Well, it's really a bit abnormal." Jiang Zhiyu touched his chin and said, "Maybe you are not coming to estrus, but for other reasons. Anyway, don't think too much, pay attention to going to bed early and getting up early recently, so as not to catch a cold .”

"I see."

"By the way, two days ago was Mr. Gu's 80th birthday. Mr. Gu must celebrate his grandpa's birthday. Have you gone?" Jiang Zhiyu suddenly asked about it.

Ruan Wenyou was still very honest: "Well, I also went together. Besides Grandpa Gu, I also met Mr.'s aunt and aunt."

Jiang Zhiyu's face changed when he heard the words: "The Gu family is very scary, didn't they scare you?"

"I visited Lao Gu for a year in high school. I only went to their house once, and then I never dared to go again. Their family is hypocritical, dark and weird."

Ruan Wenyou's expression froze: "Uh..."

"Oh, Lao Gu is not hypocritical at all, but his temper is also quite weird. Apart from me, he has no other friends at all these years."

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