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    Seeing that Ruan Wenyou didn't answer, Gu Xiuting was even more aggrieved and sad. Tears rolled down his eyes again: "Am I not as important as mathematics? I'm still not your husband?" "Sir, you..." "Woooo Oh wife, why don't you call me 'husband'? Did I do something wrong?" A man who is usually so reticent, but sensitive and easy to cry when he is in heat, seems to have a tear incontinence physique, and even talks more .

    Ruan Wenyufa was overwhelmed, and sometimes felt that his problems were more difficult than math problems.

    Because whether it is nodding or shaking the head, it may irritate Gu Xiuting.

    At this time, you have to be very patient like treating a child.

    "Is it me that made you uncomfortable?" "My wife, don't dislike me, I will try my best..." Ruan Wenyou just wanted to coax him, but unexpectedly, Gu Xiuting suddenly kicked him hard, pushing him all over a soft.

    Juice also flowed from his hole, sliding down the inside of his thigh.

    After that, Gu Xiuting couldn't help but hold Ruan Wenyou's buttocks and hugged him.

    Obviously, Ruan Wenyou's penis was still buried in Ruan Wenyou's tender inner wall, and he was reluctant to pull it out, but Gu Xiuting made an inch of it, separated his legs and wrapped them around his waist, and then pressed him face-on on the desk.

    Ruan Wenyou was caught off guard, not only did he not finish writing the topic, but also his books, pens and paper were swept aside.

    Gu Xiuting lowered her head and kissed Ruan Wenyou's cheek, earlobe and neck, each kiss was delicate and gentle.

    While kissing and licking constantly, he also quickly untied Ruan Wenyou's clothes.

    Waves of itching spread all over Ruan Wenyou's body, he couldn't help trembling, his breathing became messy and rapid, and his eyes gradually blurred.

    Gu Xiuting liked to suck and rub Ruan Wenyou's nipples very much, and of course he didn't let go of the two poor little things this time.

    He first blew hot air on it, and then his wet tongue dexterously slid across the two tender red nipples, teasing them back and forth.

    Gu Xiuting not only sucked and licked the little red pellets, but also sucked the areola into his mouth.

    The other hand was rubbing and pulling, deliberately playing and teasing the other nipple.

    When the milk flowed out, Gu Xiuting sucked it greedily, the milky fragrance overflowed from his lips and tongue, sweet but not greasy.

    Ruan Wenyou was quite unbearable, his little face was flushed, and his eyes were filled with tears: "Yeah! It's itchy...don't, don't suck any more, it's almost numb..." He was clearly She refused, but twisting her body, she teased Gu Xiuting instead, stirring up the lust in his body more and more.

    Gu Xiuting became more restless, he lost his self-control, and began to twitch violently.

    The glans was also aimed at the most sensitive acupoint, and every time it hit Ruan Wenyou's leg hard.

    The sound of copulating water flooded the study, and the desk shook slightly, not to mention Ruan Wenyou's trembling body.

    He was made limp and weak, and his sore legs could hardly wrap around Gu Xiuting's waist.

    When Gu Xiuting pierced his whole body again, he used his hands to protect his slightly raised belly, his voice was almost hoarse: "Ah! Slow down...slow down, baby... don't touch the baby..." Gu Xiuting only Feeling that even Ruan Wenyou's crying and moaning sounds were sweet and attractive, he couldn't help kissing Ruan Wenyou: "Don't be afraid, my wife, I have restrained myself, so I don't want to hurt our baby." The bodies of the

    two Intertwined, there seemed to be waves of electricity flowing through each other's bodies.

    Ruan Wenyou's hot and humid inner membrane was constantly being ground and pierced by the glans, which caused the green shoot in front of him to gradually raise its head.

    Wrapped and twisted by Ruan Wenyou's inner hole, the warm love liquid also soaked Gu Xiuting's cock, which was unbearable for him, but in the next second, he suddenly stopped.

    "Ah! Don't...don't stop, give...give me..." Ruan Wenyou put his arms around Gu Xiuting's neck, pandering to the man unconsciously.

    His entire body was reddened by the heat, but the depths of his inner acupoint were empty and unbearably empty.

    But Gu Xiuting said again: "Call me husband, sweetie."

    He even rubbed the tip of Ruan Wenyou's reddened nose. Normally, Ruan Wenyou would not call out easily.

    But the gentle and intimate title of "Baby" is in my ears, as if it has pierced Ruan Wenyou's heart.

    Gu Xiuting was still relentless, and even shed tears and pretended to be pitiful: "Aren't I your husband? Wife, why don't you want to shout?" He deliberately played tricks, and then gently held Ruan Wenyou's erection He refused to move his tender eyelashes, and he didn't allow Ruan Wenyou to ejaculate at this time.

    In the end, Ruan Wenyou, who was really bloated, called softly from his throat: "Husband..." "My wife is the best! Woooooo, I like you so much, I will feed everything to you and the baby .”

    Gu Xiuting, who had succeeded, pushed him vigorously for dozens of times. Finally, he squeezed Ruan Wenyou's soft buttocks, and poured the thick white essence into Ruan Wenyou one by one.

    Ruan Wenyou himself also vomited, his legs were wet and sticky, and the combined juice flowed all over the table, and naturally also stained his books and exercises.

    But he had no time to take care of these at all, and was just panting absent-mindedly at this moment.

    Tonight, Gu Xiuting had another dream.

    In the dream, he was no longer a boy squatting in the corner wiping tears secretly, but a man sitting by the seashore.

    His whole body was shrouded in twilight, and there was still a faint smile on his lips.

    He obviously had the same face, but in his dream, his expression was relaxed and his eyes were pure and soft.

    Gu Xiuting wanted to get close to the smiling self, he stepped forward step by step, but when he was about to approach, he suddenly stopped.

    His dream also changed suddenly, his feet were submerged by the waves, then his calves, his thighs, and finally his entire lower body was swallowed by sea water.

    Gu Xiuting couldn't get over it, and he was getting farther and farther away from that gentle self... Gu Xiuting's second susceptibility period didn't last long, it ended in five days.

    This was beyond Ruan Wenyou's expectation, he was in a complicated state of mind, he wasn't very relieved, on the contrary he felt a little lost.

    After Gu Xiuting was fully dressed, she continued to look through the work documents, and asked Butler He to make a pot of tea.

    As soon as Gu Xiuting picked up the teacup, Ruan Wenyou pushed the door open and entered.

    In the study room a few days ago, they had done that kind of intimate thing, but now that Gu Xiuting is awake, the solemn atmosphere has returned to here.

    "Sir, do you still remember the days when you were in heat last week?"


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