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It was difficult for Ruan Wenyou to adapt to the current situation for a while, because Ah Mu, who was reticent and steady before, stretched his arms towards him now, and his face was full of grievances, as if he was about to cry in a second.

Ruan Wenyou was stunned by such a huge contrast. It was the first time for him to see an Alpha in the susceptible period with his own eyes. He thought about himself and other Omegas, and Ruan Wenyou could understand the pain and suffering.

"Ah Mu, I know you are suffering now, but I... I am really not your partner." Ruan Wenyou still explained patiently.

But Ah Mu couldn't listen at all, and kept calling: "Wife, wife..."

He had an intimate relationship with Ruan Wenyou last night, so he subconsciously identified him as a partner.

For the unexpected estrus of adult Omegas, there are restraining rings and collars on the market, and inhibitors and odor blockers can also control and relieve the pain of Omegas to a certain extent.

However, are these things useful to the alpha who is born strong?

Ruan Wenyou didn't dare to get close to the maddened Mu for the time being, so he had to spray on the odor blocking agent.

The scent of paper and ink in the room faded a bit, but it didn't take long before the scent became stronger again, and Ah Mu kept releasing her pheromones unconsciously.

Alpha's pheromone can also affect and stimulate Omega. Ruan Wenyou doesn't dislike this book-like smell at all, on the contrary, he likes it very much.

He also didn't know how compatible his pheromone was with Ah Mu, and gradually, something was wrong with him.

The restraining circle around his neck seemed to be unable to resist, so Ruan Wenyou quickly injected himself with an inhibitor to force himself to stay awake.

"Wife, wife!"

"Give me a hug, wife..."

Ah Mu was still shouting eagerly, while he was tied up, he struggled non-stop, and a red mark was drawn on his wrist. Then with a "boom", he suddenly rolled off the bed and fell to the ground.

Ruan Wenyou was startled, and subconsciously took two steps forward.

"Don't you want me? Wife."

Ah Mu's eye sockets were wet and red, he changed from shouting at first to begging in a low voice.

Ruan Wenyou couldn't listen to other people's begging, and he had mixed feelings in his heart. Thinking of their Omega's nesting behavior, Ruan Wenyou guessed that Alpha might also have them, so he rummaged through his clothes and placed them around Ah Mu.

Ruan Wenyou usually covered himself with a small purple blanket, but now it also covered A Mu's body.

Ah Mu was surrounded by Ruan Wenyou's clothes, but he was still not satisfied, and was very eager for the comfort of Omega.

Ah Mu, who was wrapped in a blanket, suddenly hit his head on the ground, every time it was loud, his forehead was red from the impact, and he would bleed if it continued like this.

Not only that, he also opened his mouth and bit the blanket, desperately stuffing it into his mouth.

Seeing this, Ruan Wenyou was so anxious that he had no time to think about anything else, so he stepped forward and pulled the corner of the blanket out of Ah Mu's mouth: "This is not edible!"

Before he finished speaking, the red-eyed Ah Mu rushed over.

A soft heart is sometimes a lock. Ruan Wenyou rescued Ah Mu with the lock, but he was locked in his cage instead.

The noise between him and Ah Mu was so loud, the neighbors must have heard it. Will the neighbors think they are too noisy?

He is still a student, what will the neighbors think of him?

Ruan Wenyou couldn't think so much anymore, after one night, Ruan Wenyou opened his eyes and saw the head leaning on his shoulder, and he was completely surrounded by Ah Mu.

Ruan Wenyou's face turned red and then pale, and raised his hand to knock Ah Mu on the head. He is weak all over now, this time it is more like scratching Ah Mu's itch, there is no pain at all.

Ah Mu also woke up from his sleep, his black eyes lost their usual indifference, just like a loyal puppy, their eyes were hot and firm.

As soon as he saw Ruan Wenyou, he couldn't help rubbing Ruan Wenyou's cheek: "I'm hungry, wife."

"You..." Ruan Wenyou was so angry that he almost fell silent, "You! You still know how hungry?"

Ah Mu hadn't eaten anything for two days and two nights, and he was an adult alpha male who was around 1.9 meters tall, so he would naturally feel hungry.

Ruan Wenyou got ready to get food for Ah Mu, and Ah Mu helped him dress, and said: "I will work hard tonight, my wife has to give birth to me."

Come tonight? ?

give birth? !

Thinking that Ah Mu's susceptibility period lasts about seven days, or about a week, Ruan Wenyou's whole body is about to collapse.

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