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    Ruan Wenyou's heartbeat was extremely fast at this time, and the blush gradually crawled from the cheeks to the back of the ears, and there were bursts of itching in the acupuncture points.

    He desperately longed to be filled, so that every inch of soft, wet and slippery flesh on the inner wall could be fully rubbed and caressed.

    Hearing Gu Xiuting's words, Ruan Wenyou took off his trousers, spread his legs, and raised his white buttocks.

    The acupuncture point under his body glowed with crystal water, and it was wet.

    Ruan Wenyou gently rubbed Gu Xiuting's hard clitoris with the small mouth below, and then slowly sank down, but then there was a slight pain.

    He was a little timid, and he barely swallowed Gu Xiuting's crown. After all, this fierce thing was too thick and long, and it was difficult to completely enter it all at once.

    "It's too tight, you relax."

    Gu Xiuting can also feel the difficulty of Ruan Wenyou. At this time, he stretched out his big palm and held Ruan Wenyou's small eyelashes, repeatedly stroking and kneading, each movement All full of encouragement.

    After being comforted and encouraged, Ruan Wenyou took a deep breath, and then continued to descend. In the end, his waist also sank, and two pieces of buttocks stuck to Gu Xiuting's thigh.

    Pain and a sense of fullness surged into Ruan Wenyou's brain at the same time, and he couldn't help moaning.

    "Hey, move a little bit."

    At this time, Ruan Wenyou was like an innocent child who couldn't stand the temptation at all. Once Gu Xiuting's deep and magnetic voice reached his ears, the switch in his body was also turned on.

    Ruan Wenyou began to twist his slender waist, moving up and down.

    The sound of friction and impact mixed with the body fluids of the two became louder and louder, accompanied by the sound of lewd water, echoing throughout the bedroom for a long time.

    Ruan Wenyou's nerves were constantly stimulated by the pleasure of the inner membrane being filled, and Gu Xiuting's scorching hard object seemed to burn his body into a sea of ​​flames.

    Hearing Ruan Wenyou's moaning more and more intoxicated, Gu Xiuting's eyes were extremely dark, and he gradually found it difficult to hold back, and suddenly thrust upwards, increasing his strength.

    "Yeah!" Unexpectedly, Gu Xiuting would push up suddenly, Ruan Wenyou's groans became louder, and his waist became sore and limp.

    Gu Xiuting supported Ruan Wenyou's round buttocks, and pushed his waist upwards, hitting the deeper part of the meat hole.

    He unconsciously rubbed Ruan Wenyou's white buttocks with his palms, and soon, ambiguous red marks appeared on Ruan Wenyou's buttocks.

    The dick expanding back and forth in his body was extremely ferocious, Ruan Wenyou's body trembled, his knees were weak, and he could hardly keep up with Gu Xiuting's frequency.

    The two maintained such a posture, Gu Xiuting was driving from bottom to top, like piling.

    Ruan Wenyou's acupoints, which were the most tormented, were sharply ground by the violent collision, and tears overflowed from the pressure.

    The lewd water from between the buttocks also kept flowing, which had already wetted the joint between the two.

    At this moment, the center of gravity of Ruan Wenyou's body was completely concentrated on the acupuncture point, and his waist was numb for bursts, which made people crazy happy and comfortable, and gradually spread and paralyzed his whole body, his genitals at the front were straight, It seems as if it will be sprayed out in the next second.

    "Yeah! Good... Great! Woohoo, I can't do it anymore, ahh!" Ruan Wenyou could no longer suppress the burning heat accumulated in his body, his moans became louder, and suddenly sprayed out white liquor.

    Following Ruan Wenyou's release, Gu Xiuting also took the opportunity to push hard to the deepest acupoint.

    Ruan Wenyou was appeased and satisfied for the time being, but Gu Xiuting hadn't ejaculated yet, so he took off Ruan Wenyou's shirt at this moment, and sucked one of his breasts.

    Under his repeated licking and kneading, Ruan Wenyou's two nipples were sucked up, and they were also full of Gu Xiuting's body fluid.

    The unbearable two red grains trembled, and after a while, sweet white juice flowed out.

    Gu Xiuting sucked Ruan Wenyou's nipple, as if tasting delicious milk.

    His crotch was also being fucked wildly, every time he went to the end, the head of the penis was poking wildly at Ruan Wenyou's sensitive spot.

    Ruan Wenyou's breathing was disordered, he opened his mouth and breathed heavily, he felt as if he was about to be fucked through by Gu Xiuting.

    Facing this kind of endless plunder and encroachment, Ruan Wenyou began to sob and beg for mercy, and his fingers also sank into Gu Xiuting's back, drawing traces one after another.

    Ruan Wenyou ejaculated again during the process, but it was so pattering that he couldn't ejaculate anything.

    When Gu Xiuting bumped against the wet and soft acupoint again, he felt uncomfortable swelling in the front of his head, as if he was going to... "Umm... Hurry up! Stop! Ahhh, I'm going to pee..." Ruan Wenyou cried It got worse, his shoulders kept shaking, and he began to beat Gu Xiuting with his hands.

    However, his strength was too weak, like tickling Gu Xiuting.

    Gu Xiuting was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't pull it out, and immediately picked up Ruan Wenyou and walked towards the bathroom.

    The bottoms of the two were still firmly connected, Gu Xiuting was walking around, while fucking Ruan Wenyou's moist pussy, he was reluctant to part, and had no intention of pulling away.

    Ruan Wenyou was so ashamed, his small face was full of tears, but he couldn't get relief, he was trembling.

    After arriving in the bathroom, Gu Xiuting hugged Ruan Wenyou in the posture of urinating, let him spread his legs, faced the toilet, and said: "It's okay now." After finishing speaking, he continued to

    pump and bump vigorously, enjoying Ruan Wenyou's pleasure. Suction and wrapping of Wenyou's internal acupoints.

    The impacts under his body became more and more intensive, and Gu Xiuting was still turning his dick, deliberately piercing and squeezing the center of the acupoint.

    Ruan Wenyou's sweat was dripping, honey juice dripped out, and with Gu Xiuting's thrusting, the mouth of the acupuncture point of shame was covered with white foam.

    Ruan Wenyou's tender cervix was also swollen, his crying was broken and hoarse, and he was still sobbing and pleading: "It's too...too deep! Woooo...no, don't! Umm..." Ruan Wenyou You leaked urine uncontrollably, and Gu Xiuting soon spewed out strong semen, all of which fed Ruan Wenyou.

    Ruan Wenyou's own urine, accompanied by Gu Xiuting's semen, inevitably soiled his body.

    His eyes were filled with tears, and he looked quite aggrieved and helpless: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Gu Xiuting who was suddenly scolded: "..." After the intense sex, Ruan Wenyou lost his strength, The mind is also in chaos.

    He looked at Gu Xiuting in front of him, as if he saw the hazy twilight, a patch of bright red roses, and the man with a faint smile on his lips.

    "A Mu..." Ruan Wenyou couldn't help shouting out, and raised his hand to gently touch the man's face, "Are you back? A Mu." The

    touch of his palm was extremely real and warm, and he bent his lips and smiled again , the next sentence even opened his mouth and said: "We... don't separate again, husband."

    Gu Xiuting's face darkened, he took Ruan Wenyou's hand, and asked: "Who are you calling husband?" As soon as he fell, the weak Ruan Wenyou lost his last sliver of consciousness, his eyes darkened, and he passed out in his arms.


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