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    Gu Xiuting originally only wanted to ask Ruan Chuanzhe a few things, and was not going to sit down to eat, but Ruan Chuanzhe was very enthusiastic.

    He not only pulled out the vegetables grown in his own yard, but also took out the ribs and sausages frozen in the refrigerator.

    Even so, Ruan Chuanzhe still felt that it was not enough, so he went to the pond in front of his house to catch some fish, and decided to treat Gu Xiuting well.

    Seeing the somewhat abnormal Ruan Chuanzhe, Ruan Wenyou was also taken aback. Generally speaking, his father would not be too close to people he just met. What happened today?

    Ruan Wenyou wanted to help in the kitchen, but Ruan Chuanzhe shook his head: "Xiaoyou, make tea for Mr. Gu first, and chat with him for a while. I'll do it by myself." "

    But are you busy? Dad."

    "Don't worry Already." Ruan Chuanzhe smiled, looking more energetic than usual.

    It was obviously not a holiday, but tonight's meal was quite sumptuous. There were more than a dozen dishes in front of the three of them.

    Ruan Chuanzhe was going to pick up food for Gu Xiuting, but he suddenly realized something, paused the hand holding the chopsticks, and silently put it down again.

    "Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, we seldom have guests at home, and I don't have time to prepare any good dishes. Are these meals to your liking?"

    Gu Xiuting nodded slightly: "Well, the rice is very fragrant, and every dish is delicious. Delicious."

    "That's good." Ruan Chuanzhe smiled gratifiedly.

    After dinner, because there was a Shiba Inu at home, Ruan Wenyou went to feed the little guy.

    Gu Xiuting called Ruan Chuanzhe to stop him, and then took the opportunity to ask: "Uncle, may I take the liberty to ask, are you really Xiaoyou's biological father?"

    Ruan Chuanzhe was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head: "I am his father." Adoptive father, Xiaoyou is my adopted child."

    Sure enough, many things make sense in this way.

    But Gu Xiuting still had some things he couldn't figure out. Before he could speak, Ruan Chuanzhe stared at him carefully, but instead asked: "Mr. Gu, who are you... Xiaoyou's?" The other party's attitude was quite frank, and Gu Xiuting hesitated for a

    moment , did not hide any more, and said: "To be honest, I am his husband."

    Ruan Chuanzhe was startled, complex emotions flashed across his face, and he couldn't help muttering: "How could this be?

    " Surprisingly, Xiaoyou and I are also eleven years apart, and our identities and ages are not very compatible. But there were some reasons before, I married him, and he also... gave birth to two children for me." Ruan Ruan

    heard Ruan Chuanzhe was not very surprised that Wen You had a child. He nodded slightly: "I know that Xiao You gave birth to a child. As early as two years ago, when I was treating him, I found that he had just given birth." "Oh, Xiao

    You At that time, I was not yet twenty years old, and I had just given birth to a child, but I spent too long in the sea."

    Ruan Chuanzhe still remembers that day two years ago. Thinking of Ruan Wenyou who was on the coast that day, he also felt sorry for him.

    "Xiao You was so cold at the time that he was so cold that he had already lost consciousness. He had a gunshot wound on his shoulder, and he was bleeding profusely. I could hardly feel his heartbeat and pulse, and it was almost impossible to save him." Gu Xiuting suffered from insomnia for two years

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