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    When he first found out that he was pregnant, Ruan Wenyou was too surprised, and his heart was full of sorrow and joy. He was not ready for this little life at all.

    After that, he took care of himself, agreed to marry Gu Xiuting by agreement, and moved into Lanyang Villa.

    Ruan Wenyou hadn't visited Meng Taoyu for quite a while. He was weak before and had to hide the pregnancy, so he didn't dare to see Meng Taoyu at all, for fear that she would see something.

    It was not until today that Ruan Wenyou arrived at the detention center and met his sister Meng Taoyu.

    Meng Taoyu has gained weight recently, her chin is not as sharp and thin as before, and her complexion has improved a bit.

    "Ayou, you haven't come to see me for so long, is something wrong?" Meng Taoyu was smart and shrewd, she had a bad premonition.

    Ruan Wenyou quickly shook his head: "It's okay, I'm just a little busy."

    Meng Taoyu vaguely sensed that something was wrong, but he didn't expose Ruan Wenyou face to face, and asked him, "Why are you alone today? Where's Ah Mu?" "He ...very busy, I have to work overtime on weekends."

    Meng Taoyu couldn't help frowning, and her tone was a bit unhappy: "How busy is he? Is it possible that the company is run by his family? He is the kind of person in TV dramas Domineering president?" Ruan Wenyou: "Uh..." My sister hit everything.

    The more Meng Taoyu thought about it, the angrier she became, and she couldn't hold back some words: "Does he dislike your background? He won't really abandon you, right? Scumbag!" Before she finished speaking, Ruan Wenyou hurriedly defended: "No! Sis, you really think too much.

    In fact, he and I are... already married."

    "Huh?!" Meng Taoyu was taken aback after hearing this, and his expression changed from anger to surprise.

    Ruan Wenyou only said "marriage" and did not mention any agreement. He needs to use white lies at this time to reassure Meng Taoyu.

    Ruan Wenyou also stretched out the hand wearing the wedding ring to Meng Taoyu, smiled and said: "Sister, look! This is my wedding ring with him."

    Meng Taoyu scrutinized it carefully for a while, and after gradually digesting the information, she raised the corners of her mouth: "Congratulations! This ring is big and beautiful. It should be custom-made. Ah Mu really has a heart."

    Ruan Wen You also smiled, but inevitably felt a little guilty.

    "Silly boy, why did you tell me this good news! I couldn't prepare anything for a while, and I missed your wedding, alas."

    Meng Taoyu was delighted, but also a little regretful and lonely.

    She couldn't witness Ruan Wenyou's happy moment with her own eyes, and she couldn't go out for the next few years, so she had to stay in a detention center isolated from the outside world.

    "It doesn't matter. Now that I have my sister's blessing, I am already very happy."

    Meng Taoyu wanted to go up to hug Ruan Wenyou at this moment, but she couldn't help it. She smiled dotingly and helplessly. also faded away.

    "Ayou, I want to see the wedding photo of you and A Mu, do you have any photos saved on your phone?" Ruan Wenyou was stunned, but when he clicked on the photo album, there was only one wedding photo.

    In the photo, he and Gu Xiuting are both wearing dresses, but they are not in such an intimate pose, they are just leaning side by side.

    "Ah? Is this the only one?" Meng Taoyu asked suspiciously, "You have a smile on your face, but Ah Mu doesn't even smile, looking a bit serious." "I only have a more formal one in my phone.

    " Ah Mu doesn't usually smile much, I'm used to it."

    Ruan Wenyou smiled.

    Now facing Meng Taoyu, he lied more and more, because he always used one lie to cover up another.

    In fact, he and Gu Xiuting only took this picture.

    Their wedding didn't require Ruan Wenyou to attend, so naturally they wouldn't show too many photos.

    When Ruan Wenyou asked about it, Gu Xiuting looked indifferent: "One photo is enough, there is no need for extra photos, taking too many photos would be a waste of time."

    "..." Ruan Wenyou was powerless to refute, after all, their marriage was just a show.

    After coming out of the detention center, Ruan Wenyou felt relieved when he thought of Meng Taoyu's smiling face.

    He continued to go to school, and also acted as Gu Xiuting's well-behaved "wife". Every day he opened and closed his mouth as "Mr."

    But after the wedding night, Ruan Wenyou's breast milk reaction became more frequent.

    Gu Xiuting took him to see many doctors, and also specifically asked his friend Jiang Zhiyu, but he couldn't find a way to completely suppress it.

    Whenever the milk flowed out of control, Gu Xiuting bent down and buried her head in Ruan Wenyou's chest.

    But he seems to have completed the task, without the slightest emotion or desire.

    Gu Xiuting has been in a high position all year round, and her thoughts are unpredictable.

    Ruan Wenyou could see responsibility and obligation from him, but he didn't have a trace of emotion, let alone eager heart.

    Since having this abnormal physiological phenomenon, Ruan Wenyou has been in distress every day.

    He tried wearing a breast ring to suppress it, but Gu Xiuting didn't allow it, like a strict instructor, he took it off for Ruan Wenyou himself.

    Occasionally, A Mu's shadow would flash across Gu Xiuting's body, even if it was only for a moment, Ruan Wenyou wanted to catch it.

    He put aside his shame and took the initiative to seduce him a few times, but every time he was rejected by Gu Xiuting.

    After pregnancy, Omega would normally not be in estrus, but Ruan Wenyou's estrus came unexpectedly.

    Gu Xiuting licked the glands on the back of Ruan Wenyou's neck, then took a bite, and temporarily marked Ruan Wenyou.

    While not lifelong marking, both marking processes require adaptation.

    Ruan Wenyou, who is an inferior omega with fragile glands, was in even more unbearable pain. He lay on Gu Xiuting's shoulder, crying intermittently: "Ugh, it hurts...it hurts, Ah Mu."

    "Ah Mu, I...I miss you so much."

    After hearing this, Gu Xiuting frowned involuntarily.

    Inexplicably, he hated hearing this name more and more, especially from Ruan Wenyou's mouth.

    At this moment, the person who is hugging Ruan Wenyou, comforting and temporarily marking him is clearly himself, not that Ah Mu.

    It wasn't the man who didn't exist in his own memory.

    The sound of "Ah Mu" came into his ears, and the more Gu Xiuting heard it, the more uncomfortable he felt. He slowly pulled out his genitals, leaving only his head to gently rub Ruan Wenyou's red buttocks.

    Ruan Wenyou was filled with thick white semen water just now, but now there is no coarse object grinding and squeezing in the inner membrane, the white fluid flows out, but instead twitches and contracts, empty and itchy.

    It wasn't long before he had an orgasm, and now he began to yearn for a powerful Alpha.

    His eyes were wet and red, and he looked helplessly at Gu Xiuting: "You come in... come in..." These eyes were shining with water, and Ruan Wenyou was also like a mermaid jumping out of spring water, facing his beloved The prince wagged his tail, crystal and beautiful, with ripples.

    Gu Xiuting was unmoved, and even his crotch stopped moving the next moment. He said: "Ruan Wenyou, you called by the wrong name.

    " I went in."


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