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Meng Taoyu fell to the side, still showing no sign of waking up. Ruan Wenyou, who was strangled by Fang Zhengxian, suddenly felt an unbearable suffocation.

He couldn't breathe, he desperately raised his legs and kicked Fang Zhengxian, but was grabbed by the opponent again.

Fang Zhengxian pushed Ruan Wenyou to the ground abruptly, with a wicked smile of success on his lips.

Ruan Wenyou's eyes were full of hatred, he didn't want to show a little fear and panic in front of this kind of scum, but his fingertips turned white and trembled, subconsciously he was still afraid.

When a person is vulnerable and helpless, he is like a lone boat tottering in the wind and waves, and may be swallowed by the sea at any time.

They are eager to go to the shore and arrive at a safe and warm place, and people or things that can support them will appear in their minds, which are often what they rely on most.

Ruan Wenyou thought of A Mu for the first time, and couldn't help calling "A Mu".

With a loud "dong", Ah Mu just slammed into the door the next moment. Outside the door were almost all bodyguards in black who fell to the ground, they couldn't stop the crazy Ah Mu at all.

But Ah Mu himself was also injured, there was a bruise under his left eye, and a swollen piece on his right cheek, his fisted hand was also bleeding, and drops of blood dripped to the ground.

Ah Mu was always worried about Ruan Wenyou tonight, so not long after Ruan Wenyou went out, Ah Mu secretly followed him.

Following Ruan Wenyou all the way to this entertainment club, Ah Mu didn't intend to come in at first, but waited for him at the back door.

But after half an hour, Ruan Wenyou still hadn't come out, the lights in the hall were also turned off, and the whole clubhouse seemed much quieter than usual.

Ah Mu quickly sensed the strangeness and broke in alone.

No longer the reticent and calm Ah Mu, his anger kept rising and he also actively released a large amount of pheromone.

The pheromones in high-quality Alphas are enough to overwhelm ordinary Betas, making them daunting, and can even overwhelm other Alphas.

Ah Mu's whole body became strong and fierce, and he also punched like the wind, every punch was fast and ruthless!

After the door of the box was knocked open, Ah Mu found Ruan Wenyou at first sight, and the moment his gaze caught Fang Zhengxian, he kicked him without saying a word.

Fang Zhengxian was caught off guard and was kicked into the distance. He had pain in his abdomen, and he couldn't help screaming twice while holding his stomach.

Ruan Wenyou was surprised and delighted, and after Ah Mu quickly put his pants on again, he embraced him into a warm embrace.

The familiar breath enveloped Ruan Wenyou, his head was pressed against Ah Mu's thick chest, and he could also hear his heartbeat, strong and powerful.

After wind and rain, his lonely boat docked.

But Fang Zhengxian next to him also got up at this time. He grabbed the empty wine bottle that had rolled to the ground before, and aimed at the back of Ah Mu's head, ready to smash it hard.

"Be careful!" Ruan Wenyou reminded immediately, his pupils dilated in fright.

Ah Mu dodged in time with Ruan Wenyou in his arms, but was still hit on the shoulder.

"Damn it!" Fang Zhengxian cursed, he raised the broken wine bottle again and wanted to attack, but Ah Mu grabbed his wrist instead, and then he was also punched on the bridge of the nose.

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