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As soon as he heard the name "Gu Xiuting", Ah Mu's temple suddenly felt a sharp pain, and he still had a subconscious reaction.

Seeing him startled, Fang Zhengxian said again: "This is your real real name, Gu Xiuting."

"Have you completely forgotten the name you have used for thirty years? And you don't want the Gu's enterprise that you fought for? Oh, a family that was originally so big, accidents happened one after another, and in the end it turned out to be a big family. When you, the illegitimate son, come to power, you become the heir of the Gu family."

Ah Mu rubbed his sore temples, but still insisted, "I am Ah Mu, let them go!"

Fang Zhengxian said "tsk tsk" twice: "It seems that you have indeed lost your memory, Gu Xiuting. You care so much about this country boy, why are you really tempted? What kind of method did he use? Is he really good at serving people, or is he treating you? Drugged?"

Ruan Wenyou, who was tied up next to him, immediately shook his head and denied it: "No! I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

"Prescribe medicine?" Ah Mu frowned, "Impossible."

"How is it impossible? When you are unconscious and unconscious, how can you be sure that he will not do anything 100%. And your daily diet may also be mixed with drugs."

"Mr. Gu, why have you lost your memory for so long and can't remember anything? Maybe it's because they have bad intentions and don't want you to remember the past." Fang Zhengxian approached Ah Mu, wandering around him.

"Rose Island is the largest red-light district, and they are more skilled than anyone in this shady method.

There are also people on the island who secretly sell some banned drugs, which can not only arouse emotions, make people hallucinate, confuse people's minds, and even cause them short-term amnesia. But if the dose is too much, the sequelae are also very serious. "

"There are so many nightclubs and underground casinos here. I heard that a few years ago, there was a foreign entrepreneur who was addicted to alcohol and sex all day long. In the end, he went bankrupt because he was drugged and even injected with drugs. Taste."

Ah Mu couldn't help falling into silence after hearing this: "..."

"You just heard that those rumors can't be sure whether they are true or not. Besides, our island has been rectified several times in the past two years, and we will not do illegal things!" Ruan Wenyou argued.

Fang Zhengxian sneered: "You are too naive, little guy, nothing is groundless. In fact, there are similar drugs in the nightclubs on your island, including your sister's shop."

Before he finished speaking, Ruan Wenyou was also shocked, but he still shook his head, unwilling to believe it.

Dating back to the last century, those criminals and thugs who had bad genes and endangered society would be exiled to a remote island, which is this Rose Island.

Later, the population of the island gradually expanded, and after the reforms in the new century, some people also chose to settle here. This place has gradually become a breeding ground for rose gardens and the largest red light district in China.

Nowadays, people from the outside world still have prejudices against the residents on the island, and many people's traditional thinking is deeply rooted and difficult to change.

"Actually, I also mixed medicine in the wine before. When I invited your sister to drink, who knew that she would find out at a glance, and even forced her to die! Damn! Is this young master ugly? Worse than those fat uncles!" Is it ugly?"

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