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After A Mu successfully got rid of the woman's entanglement, he drove Ruan Wenyou in his car and left the bar street quickly.

Ruan Wenyou, who reacted a little slower, asked repeatedly: "Ah Mu, since you can talk, why didn't you say anything at first and pretended to be dumb?"

"Also, why do you say I'm on your bed? You can't talk nonsense."

Ah Mu didn't explain too much, just said lightly: "You are going to be late for part-time work."

"Ah, yes! Ride faster!"

Pushing open the back door of the milk tea shop, Ruan Wenyou looked at the clock on the wall, the time was just right, he dragged A Muka to click in.

The waiter Zheng Quan was the first to notice the two of them. He greeted Ruan Wenyou with a smile, then pointed to Ah Mu beside Ruan Wenyou, and asked, "Wen You, this is..."

Zheng Quan is Ruan Wenyou's high school classmate, and now also works in a milk tea shop. He has known Ruan Wenyou for more than three years, but he has never seen this man.

The shop manager, Uncle Qin, also heard the sound and came over at this time. He looked at A Mu, who was unfamiliar with his eyes, and said with a smile: "Not bad! He looks very energetic and strong enough. Xiaoyou, is it your friend or relative? "

"He's obviously super handsome! Don't you think so? Brother." Zheng Shuiling followed behind Uncle Qin, and the younger sister was always very curious.

Zheng Quan looked at the excited younger sister, he smiled dotingly, and praised A Mu: "Well, he is very handsome."

Ah Mu suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention, and he didn't change his face or make a sound.

"Brother, and he is so tall, is he Beta? Could it be Alpha?"

"I have to ask Wen You about this." Zheng Quan looked at Ruan Wen You again.

Ruan Wenyou thought for a while, and it was inconvenient to reveal too much about Ah Mu to them, so he temporarily made up an excuse: "He... is a distant relative of our family. He didn't live here before. He just arrived on Rose Island the night before yesterday. of."

"Is it cousin?" Zheng Shuiling asked again.

"Uh..." Ruan Wenyou smiled bitterly, thinking of Ah Mu's age, he said, "He's not that young, he's my cousin."

Ah Mu "Uncle": "..."

Although Uncle Qin is an ordinary Beta, he is born with a sweet tooth and loves to cook, so he worked hard to become a senior dessert chef.

When he was young, he worked as a chef in hotels and restaurants and worked for others. Now that he is over fifty, he has opened his own milk tea shop.

In addition to selling all kinds of drinks, the store sometimes also has cakes and desserts.

Uncle Qin is running a small business and has hired about six people. Today it happened to be the turn of Ruan Wenyou, Zheng Quan and his sister Zheng Shuiling to be on duty.

It was originally a Beta, plus three Omega, and now there is an Alpha, that is, Ah Mu.

Ruan Wenyou said that Ah Mu was bored at home anyway, so he decided to bring him to the store to help out and get acquainted with Rose Island by the way.

Uncle Qin patted Ah Mu on the shoulder, squeezed his thick and powerful muscles, and was quite satisfied, so he asked Ah Mu to carry some heavy objects.

His physical strength deteriorated year after year, and Ruan Wenyou and Zheng Quan's strength was also limited. Usually the two of them work together to lift the cardboard box containing the raw materials, but today Ah Mu can easily handle it by himself.

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