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From the mouth of the nurse, Ruan Wenyou found out that he was pregnant. He couldn't believe it for a while, and then repeatedly confirmed with the doctor.

The doctor nodded one after another, and also showed him the B-ultrasound picture of the fetus, and told Ruan Wenyou with a smile to take more rest in the future to recuperate his body and supplement rich nutrition.

Today's instruments can also detect the Alpha gene, but it is not yet possible to determine whether the child is male or female. It will take three months to wait until the fetus is fully developed.

Ruan Wenyou has been pregnant for two months. It is now the beginning of May, and by the end of this month, she will be three months old.

He calculated the time, and it should be after Ah Mu's susceptibility period passed that he became pregnant.

A while ago, his life suffered a huge change, and his heart was heavy. Recently, he started to work again. Two days ago, he chased the car in the rain, which made his whole body tired and weak, but the little life in his belly was very tenacious.

The aunt of the nurse who took care of Ruan Wenyou these two days was surnamed Zhang. She fell in love with Ruan Wenyou at first sight, and Ruan Wenyou also felt that she looked amiable.

Auntie Zhang asked Ruan Wenyou to come for a checkup later, because regular checkups are very important for giving birth to a healthy baby. From confirmation of pregnancy to full-term delivery, it is inevitable to go through various checkups during this period.

"Remember to ask your husband to come with you next time." Aunt Zhang felt sorry for him, "Oh, you are too young, why does he trust you alone!"

"..." Ruan Wenyou was poked at the sore spot again, he didn't respond directly, but just smiled and said "thank you", and then left.

Of course, Ruan Wenyou didn't tell his grandma about this, but grandma could also see Ruan Wenyou's exhaustion and advised him to go to school with peace of mind and not to work part-time.

Ruan Wenyou smiled and did not give up the part-time job.

After a few days, Ruan Wenyou's vomiting worsened and he even had a low-grade fever. He was afraid of affecting the baby in his belly, so he hurried to the hospital in the southern district.

When Ruan Wenyou entered and exited the hospital, he didn't notice that someone was quietly following him, and his figure was secretly photographed by someone hiding in the dark...

A week later, Ruan Wenyou didn't want to eat rice at noon today, so he bought a bowl of beef noodles.

While eating noodles, he checked the news hotspots. Unexpectedly, a piece of business news suddenly broke into his sight, and Ruan Wenyou's hand holding the phone couldn't help but tremble.

He suddenly lost his appetite and started to feel sick again. He threw down the bowl and chopsticks in a hurry, went to the bathroom and vomited.

Ruan Wenyou vomited for a while, then wiped his mouth with clean water and washed away the tears on his face.

The doctor reminded him not only to pay attention to the body, but also to maintain a good mood, because the mood fluctuates greatly during pregnancy and is extremely unstable.

The business news just now mentioned the well-known local Gu Group, and naturally also mentioned the current manager, Gu Xiuting.

Gu Xiuting is a rare high-quality Alpha, not one kind of pheromone, but a light fragrance mixed with paper, ink, calligraphy and painting. He is special than the average Alpha, and it is difficult to find a highly compatible Omega.

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