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    After all, Mr. Gu is very old. This time he accidentally fell, not only fractured his left foot, but also hit the back of his head, and he still has no signs of waking up.

    After repeated diagnosis, the doctor said that the old man had a high probability of becoming a vegetable.

    Even if he can wake up, he may be confused, become crazy and stupid, and the situation is not optimistic.

    After Gu Xiuting heard this, his expression was solemn, and the old man's two daughters burst into tears on the spot, especially Gu Xiuting's sister-in-law, Gu Qingfang.

    She lay on the head of old man Gu's bed and sobbed for a long time.

    "Dad, Zhen'an has already left, you can't leave me again!" At the beginning of this year, Gu Qingfang's husband was on a business trip with Gu Xiuting, but died in a shipwreck.

    She experienced the pain of losing her husband, and she still couldn't let go of it, and she secretly hated Gu Xiuting.

    The other uncles and aunts watched the unconscious old man silently. These people also looked sad on the surface, but they had different thoughts.

    Gu Jue said later: "I believe that grandpa will wake up safely. No matter what happens to him in the future, I will take care of him." Before he

    finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to him.

    Gu Xiuting was no exception, but there was a bit of coldness in his deep eyes.

    Mr. Gu's illness has attracted a lot of discussion from the outside world, and some people are waiting to see the good show.

    However, Gu's enterprise was not affected very much, Gu Xiuting was in control of the overall situation, the more he faced this kind of moment, the less he would take it lightly.

    A month passed, and after the Gu family discussed it, they held a family meeting.

    Mr. Gu's lawyer also came forward, because Mr. Gu made a will in advance.

    But this afternoon, Gu Xiuting was busy with company matters, and was the last one to arrive.

    Everyone was discussing the will, and at this time the selfish nature was gradually exposed, and everyone was coveting the family property.

    Of course, they are more concerned about who the next Patriarch will be.

    Many people are guessing that Gu Jue, who was picked up by the old man himself, is likely to be the biggest beneficiary.

    Gu Jue didn't speak much the whole time, but Gu Xiuting couldn't take it anymore, and suddenly got up: "Have you guys had enough of arguing?" The others immediately shut up, because they were subconsciously afraid of Gu Xiuting.

    With his illegitimate son, he became the CEO of Gu's consortium.

    With his current status, he is naturally not easy to mess with. He is ruthless to others and even more ruthless to himself.

    "Grandpa is only in a coma at the moment, he is still alive." Gu Xiuting's eyes were as deep as the sea, and every word was full of menace, "I am the     head

    of the family before the will is announced and takes effect."

No one dared to refute.

    Gu Xiuting was clearly warning them that, as the person in power, he could decide their fate, life or death.

    After the meeting, Gu Xiuting took the initiative to go to his sister-in-law Gu Qingfang, and said coldly: "What happened to that shipwreck? I couldn't remember it clearly before, and I also feel very sorry for my uncle's death. However, you should know better than me"

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