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More than three months ago, Ruan Wenyou hadn't moved to the inland, and he was still living on Rose Island. He has spent 19 years here.

Rose Island is surrounded by the sea, but in the tropical monsoon climate zone, it is very warm all year round. Although it is February now, the sea breeze blows head-on, but it doesn't feel cold.

"Yefeng said that when he was picking shells here two days ago, he found a lot of pearls, but we searched for a long time, why didn't we find any?"

On the shore of an unoccupied coast, the dark-skinned Beta boy frowned and kept shouting, "That kid must be fooling us!"

There is another Omega boy next to him, and his temperament is much more docile: "Hao Ke, we met Ye Feng the day before yesterday, and he does have pearls in his hand. Could it be that some guest rewarded them?"

"Ghost knows! I think they're all a bunch of lecherous and stingy bastards, they can't be so generous! It's getting dark soon, and the fireworks dance is about to start, Koizumi, let's go quickly." Hao Ke urged road.

"Yeah, anyway, we have picked up so many shells, and after going back to process them, they will be enough to sell them for money."

Zheng Quan smiled. He bent down and held the cloth bag full of shells in his arms, and then shouted into the distance again.

"Are you okay? Wenyou."


However, he got no response. The thin figure in the distance is still squatting with his head bowed, showing no sign of leaving for the time being.

"The little deaf man can't hear?"

Zheng Quan glared at Hao Ke: "Don't talk nonsense! Wen You still has one ear that can hear, and he usually wears a hearing aid when he goes out."

After explaining, Zheng Quan approached the figure and patted Ruan Wenyou lightly: "Wenyou, it's getting late, we should go back and get ready for the dance."

Ruan Wenyou looked distressed, he touched his right ear: "I know, but my hearing aid is missing."

"Ah? Then I'll look for it for you."

Zheng Quan looked at his right ear, and the hearing aid he was wearing was indeed gone.

"Are you sure you fell here? Wen You."

"When I came with you after lunch, I still wore them on my ears. I guess I was so focused on picking up shells that I fell and dropped them."

Zheng Quan nodded, and he also bowed his head, searching hard among the sand and stones on the shore.

"What are you doing! Time is running out, Koizumi, stop dawdling, are you going or not?"

Hao Ke's voice came again, he was obviously impatient.

Zheng Quan looked up at Haoke, and was about to say something, but Ruan Wenyou said first: "Sorry, you and Haoke go first, I will rush to the dance after I find the hearing aid."

"Okay, then you have to hurry up, or it will be even more difficult to find when it gets dark." Zheng Quan kindly reminded, "Wenyou, if you can't find it tonight, you can find it tomorrow." Find it again, at worst, save money and buy a new one.”


Ruan Wen nodded, he waved goodbye to Zheng Quan and Hao Ke, then bowed his head and continued to search.

The twilight is all in one, a smear of the setting sun is slowly setting in the west, the sun is shining on the sea, and the gauze-like afterglow is rippling with the waves. The entire coast is shrouded in a faint halo, which is the unique beauty and tranquility at dusk.

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