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The room is full of beauty, and the sweet milky green smell also permeates the entire bedroom, continuously penetrating into Gu Xiuting's nostrils.

The almost 100% pheromone fit made it hard for Ruan Wenyou to resist. He who chose to sink tonight was like a person who has been trapped in the desert for a long time, desperately thirsting for clear water.

And Gu Xiuting is undoubtedly the man standing at the source of the water flow, who can completely comfort and save him.

Afterwards, the astonishment in Gu Xiuting's eyes was fleeting, followed by a calm and calm face.

Ruan Wenyou was young and frail, so he was out of breath at this moment. Seeing this, Gu Xiuting straightened his crumpled neckline: "You are tired."

Ruan Wenyou pulled his arm: "Sir, I... I can continue..."

He was panting, eager to make Gu Xiuting feel comfortable, and to remind Gu Xiuting of everything.

But Gu Xiuting obviously didn't believe it, and still said in a serious tone: "You are tired, don't make me say it a second time. And we don't have to do that step now, Ruan Wenyou."

"..." Now, Ruan Wenyou fell silent.

He stared at Gu Xiuting carefully for a while, and then slowly closed his eyes, as if the last bit of strength had been taken from him.

Seeing this, Gu Xiuting didn't speak again, and then silently put on Ruan Wenyou's clothes again, and also put on the restraining collar.

The small lamp by the bed was turned off, and Gu Xiuting didn't sleep beside Ruan Wenyou for the rest of the night, but walked out.

Hearing his footsteps going away, Ruan Wenyou quietly opened his eyes in the darkness, and a tear fell down the corner of his eyes...

Desperate thoughts came to Ruan Wenyou's mind again, he might not be able to wait any longer.

Gu Xiuting is just Gu Xiuting, and the man on Rose Island will probably never come back again.

He didn't sleep much all night, and Ruan Wenyou woke up very early. He got up to clean the bedroom when it was just dawn.

He never bothered the nanny auntie for the clothes soiled by him, and washed them by himself.

Ruan Wenyou also dragged out his suitcase from the cabinet. He rummaged through the clothes he brought and took out several pairs of underwear.

Just at this moment, Gu Xiuting pushed the door open and entered.

He froze for a moment, it was just six o'clock in the morning, he didn't seem to expect that Ruan Wenyou had already woken up at this point, and was still arranging his clothes.

Looking down at these panties, Gu Xiuting recalled all kinds of underwear last night, and asked, "Do you usually like to wear this kind of underwear, or did you do it on purpose last night?"

Ruan Wenyou vaguely guessed what Gu Xiuting was thinking in his heart. He was cold on the first night of their wedding, but last night he was proactive and enthusiastic, as if he had changed himself.

Ruan Wenyou didn't answer this question directly, but said: "Sir, I was born on Rose Island. People on our island, regardless of gender, will wear this style."

After hearing this, Gu Xiuting was speechless for a moment.

Rose Island is the largest red light district in China, and it is almost well known in the interior. But it is one thing for Gu Xiuting to understand, but it is another thing to hear the delicate and well-behaved Ruan Wenyou say it so calmly from his mouth.

"Don't worry, I won't wear it anymore, I will change it to a normal style."

Ruan Wenyou said at this time, but before he finished speaking, Gu Xiuting shook his head and said, "No need."

Ruan Wenyou was slightly taken aback, and Gu Xiuting continued to say: "You have done nothing wrong, you can wear whatever you like in the future, you don't have to care about other people's eyes, and there is no need to change yourself for anyone."

Similar words touched Ruan Wenyou's heart again, and he couldn't help but squeeze his palms tightly: "Sir, I... did my appearance last night scare you?"

Gu Xiuting shook her head: "It's okay."

"Actually, I didn't know that before. I couldn't learn many things, but someone taught me later." Ruan Wenyou probed and quietly observed Gu Xiuting's reaction.

"He also said let me be myself, I don't need to cater to anyone, because there are always people in this world who don't understand, respect, or even hate me.

The man praised my clothes as very beautiful. He once had bells on my ankles, and he said it was very suitable for me. "

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