The Gray Lion

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂One short night of sleep, a proper introduction, and a painfully long walk in the scorching sun later, you guys found yourself in a strange cave, full of mysterious carvings

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One short night of sleep, a proper introduction, and a painfully long walk in the scorching sun later, you guys found yourself in a strange cave, full of mysterious carvings. It was honestly really interesting but uncanny at the same time.

"What are these?" Shiro asked, while you and Lance already made your way to the walls, inspecting the engravings from a closer distance.

"These are the lions carvings I was telling you about," Keith explained.

"I wonder who put these on-"

"Whoa. Whoa!" Lance gasped, as the carvings suddenly lit up. "What's happening?!" You yelled.

"They've never done that before," Keith states.

The floor beneath you lit up as well, the blue glow between the cracks of the ground almost blinding, before it collapsed and sent you down a waterslide.

Between the screams of the others and the water that was mercilessly hitting your face, you couldn't make out where you were and what exactly was happening. You just knew you were kind of terrified and definitely swallowing too much of that water.

Suddenly, the sliding stopped and you found yourself falling face first into a shallow pool.

"OH MY GOD, NO NO-" you screamed, as you made your landing, which was surprisingly not as painful as you had expected.

You spit out the water you had still in your mouth and groaned, not noticing what you had just landed on. Or rather who you had just landed on.

"Ugh... oh, hey (Y/N)~," you heard from under you, and as you looked down, you saw Lance wiggling his eyebrows at you, "Y'know, I don't mind you laying in my arms like that."

You quickly got up, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry."

You apologized profusely, looking at anyone but him in total embarrassment. That's when you saw that, luckily, nobody noticed what happened. Nobody except for Keith.

He glanced at Lance, then you with an unreadable expression, before averting his gaze.

His eyes then widened in surprise. You turned to look at what he was seeing and there it was.

"Whoa...," you muttered. Before you stood a massive mechanical blue lion, the exact same one like the carvings in the cave, and it seemed to be surrounded by some kind of blue force field.

You all got up, staring at it in amazement.

"Is this it?" Pidge asked, "Is this the Voltron?"

"It... must be," Shiro declared.

"This is what's been causing all this crazy energy out here," Keith said, as he approached the Blue lion, the rest of you slowly following.

You were behind Lance, who was walking in a zig-zag line, going from left to right, left to right, left, right, left-

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