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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂Everything was a mess of blurred voices and blinding lights when you slowly came to your senses again

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Everything was a mess of blurred voices and blinding lights when you slowly came to your senses again. You didn't know where you were or what was going on, you only knew your head was throbbing in pain. You tried to open your eyes but the pain got worse so you closed them shut again.

It felt like there was someone punching the inside of your forehead. You groaned in pain, trying to rub your temples when you felt some resistance. Your hands would not move, something was restraining them behind your back. You were cuffed.

Oh, right. Sendak.

The memories of the fight came flooding in, how Shiro and Sendak fought and how that soldier defeated you.

You'd feel shame for your loss if you weren't already full of panic. Suddenly, someone nudged your side.

Your eyes were wide open in an instant, the sudden stream of light going into your eyes worsening the headache. Through all the blurriness, you could make out that it was Shiro who nudged you. You made out the colors of his suit.

"(Y/N), are you ok?" he whispered to you, but you just tightly closed your eyes again. "Yeah, yeah m'fine."

The throbbing in your head was killing you right now, you couldn't do anything but focus on the feeling of it. You knew you had to do something, fight to get the Castle under control again, but oh god the pain was just horrible. That soldier did not hold back when he knocked you out.

"Try to focus on your breathing, (Y/N)," Shiro said next to you. He must have realized what you were dealing with.

You inhaled, trying focus on the air flowing into your lung. You could still smell the smoke from the explosion so you must be on the bridge.


You exhaled slowly through your mouth. Your breath was shaky, but slowly steadied itself after you repeated the process about five times. You didn't think it would work, but your headache luckily got more manageable with every breath.

You slowly opened your eyes and rolled your head over to Shiro. "Thank you," you mouthed. He responded with a smile.

You rolled your head up, where the crystal was. "Haxus! I want whoever is in this ship found and terminated!"

He was talking to the soldier who fought you. "Commander Sendak, I received a transmission generating from somewhere inside." He clicked on a few buttons before you heard familiar voices. Allura and Pidge were talking to each other.

"She's telling the intruder how to take down our defenses."

"Yes, but he's also giving away his location." Sendak turned to the druids. "Find that room, kill the paladin!"

Your eyes widened in shock, they were going after Pidge. You had to do something, but how? The druids and Haxus were gone now but Sendak was still in here and you and Shiro were handcuffed. You looked over to Lance, who was still out of it. The odds were not in your favor here.

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