Parallel places pt2

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂"Shiro?" Keith mumbled, his eyes wide as he eyed the black haired soldier

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"Shiro?" Keith mumbled, his eyes wide as he eyed the black haired soldier.

That man seemed to be Shiro but he did not react to his name being called. Instead, he raised another weapon. "Stay back," he instructed with a firm tone.

You noticed the accent he had while he spoke and it confused you to no end. Was this not Shiro after all? But why did he look exactly like him then?

"What's Slav doing here?" Lance asked and you shrugged.

"If you've come for the comet, you'll never get it! I'll die before I let it fall into Altean hands!"

"Shiro, please!" Keith deactivated his bayard and raised his palms in an effort to signal peace.

"My name is not Shiro," the soldier replied, his weapon still held high.

Hunk got up from the ground he just fell on during the fight, his face displaying utter confusion. "What the heck is happening right now? Did everyone get amnesia and then wake up with weird accents?"

You looked around the room, as if you'd find any clue of what was going on here by doing so. Lance explained who your Shiro and Slav was and the both of them listened, confused when Lance brought up Slav's rescue mission.

"You've never rescued me from anything before," Slav insisted, looking at him mistrustingly. Immediately after the words left his mouth, it seemed like he had a sudden realization though. "Unless,... you're from an alternate reality."

"Wait, what?"

Pidge suddenly seemed like she understood as well, explaining that you guys must have entered an alternate reality when you passed through the white hole.

"You mean what Slav was always talking about?" Lance asked, before glancing at the scientist before you. "Well, not you. I mean, yeah you, but a different you. One that talks about alternate realities a lot."

The not-Shiro guy tilted his head to Slav, "Oh, that's him."

Did that mean there was another version of you with a funny accent as well? You wondered what her name would be.

Allura stepped forward, a firm tone when she interrogated the two soldiers about what they had done to the crew of the ship.

"Stay back, Altean!" Not-Shiro demanded. Wow, he made it sound like an insult.

Alternate-Slav replied, "We found the ship this way, but I can't say I'm sorry hat they're gone."

Suddenly, an alarm on his arm went off. He took a look on it before gasping in surprise. "Oh no, more Alteans! They're scanners must have picked up your arrival."

He shut the screen on his forearm off before calling out to his partner. "Sven, let's go!"

The both of them helped each other up, leaving through the same trapdoor they arrived with.

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