New pilot

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂You opened the doors of your bathroom, a towel resting on your hair as you lazily stepped into your room

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You opened the doors of your bathroom, a towel resting on your hair as you lazily stepped into your room.

It was about noon and you've spent the morning training with Keith. You both sparred and from time to time, he'd share some tricks to help you improve, just like in the beginning, when you first "forced" him to help you out in turn for a favor.

Only that now, you've come nearer to his level and you're actually a somewhat equal opponent to him. Sure, he was still better, but that was to be expected when he spent almost his entire day on the training deck.

Now that so much time had passed, though, you found you'd developed kind of a unique fighting style.

Whereas Keith's had somewhat of a more forceful and aggressive style, focused on raw power and fast movement, your attacks and movements were more fluid. You took your agility to your advantage, flowing around attacks and using greater ranges of motion to accumulate strength in your blows. That way, your kicks and punches had more power to them, rather than if you had just punched straight forward.

You were proud of your improvements, to say the least, and having someone else to spar with and pass the time just made it even more fun. The both of you challenged yourselves about the most random things, like who could take down more drones in a minute, or who defeated the gladiator in less time.

You found Keith was more competitive than usual when it came to things like these, physical activities, and you sure as hell were in for it too. It was fun, and made exercise less awful than it normally was for you.

For today, you had to move the training to the morning hours, which seemed to be more of a problem to you than for Keith, who was used to this already.

You still couldn't help but yawn the entire time and when you looked at your bed, you felt the strong urge to just jump right into it and wrap yourself in the warm blankets.

Unfortunately, that was not an option as the team would be gathering in the lounge in about half and hour and you still had to get dressed and ready.

So you quickly let the hairdryer hover over your head, your eyes closed as you did so and appreciating the warmth of the air that hit your head. After that was done, you got dressed and opened the door to the hallways.

Next to you, a door suddenly opened and someone stepped outside. It was Keith, who, with a hand brushing through his mullet, lazily made his way through the hallway. You laughed at the coincidence, jogging to walk next to him.

"Hey, emomullet," you greeted as you reached out for his hair from behind. He quickly dodged, a smirk on his face when you widened your eyes in surprise.

"Too slow, princess," he laughed. You felt heat rush to your cheeks at the remark. You did agree to the nicknames but hearing him actually say it, it kind of felt different compared to when you guys were younger.

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