What Now?

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A few hours had passed since Mardoov had brought you to what he called "your new home". You had no idea what to do with yourself but somehow, that much time still manage to pass while you were growing none the wiser about how to actually get out.

That girl was fast asleep by now and you took the opportunity to further look into this cell. It was rather small, although it had enough place for the both of you to comfortably sleep on either side of it without anyone of you getting too close. The walls showed no weakness you could exploit either.

It was pretty much empty, except for that toilet on your side of the cell. You grimaced when you saw it. They really didn't care for your dignity here one bit.

At least it served on purpose; you could use the blind spot behind it to stash things you wanted to hide from the guards. For now, your rose laid there, the only thing of outside you had on you for now.

You scooted closer to the door. Not enough to be hidden from whoever decided to take a look inside- or else they might have to come in and you were sure that girl would be scared- but just so you could hear a little of what was going on outside.

It seemed like two soldiers were patrolling this unit right now, walking from one side to the other end, where you were situated. Every time they got close enough, you could hear their hushed words.

"We've got two more prisoners today, I thought they were done for now," one of them said.

"Yeah, something must have came up, a change of plans or something. The other one's in the sector nearby, I'll ask Luzoß later. He's patrolling there right now and might know something," the other replied.

The blood drained from your face. The other one must be Cyran, he's somewhere here on this ship as well.

You scooted just a little closer to hear more of the conversation but before you had the chance, they already turned around and walked out of hearing distance.

Shit, shit, shit, not only did you have to free yourself, but you had to find Cyran first. Of course, the other prisoners would be rescued as well but you didn't doubt they'd use Cyran to blackmail you if you ever decided to attempt something.

You leaned against the wall, but quickly flinched away because of the coldness. You moved back to your usual spot, where the wall was somewhat warmer from your body heat.

What should you do? Was this a ship full of prisoners? Was this even a ship? You had not felt any movement by now so you might as well be on a base, somewhere in the inner circles of the empire.

The outer circles wouldn't keep as many prisoners because it wasn't guarded too much.

Next to you, the girl squirmed. She seemed to be waking up, stretching her arms while still taking as little space up as possible.

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