Reckless decisions

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You were finally out of your sweaty armor and in the comfortableness of your own clothes when you joined the rest of the team in the command center again. Allura looked frustrated with herself, her arms crossed in front of her body as she sat on the bridge.

"There's no point in debating this further," she said, "Zarkon is clearly tracking us through me."

Everyone let out an exclamation of disagreement. You just stepped away, standing next to Keith as you watched the conversation go on.

"Why would that be so hard to believe? Zarkon's forces showed up on Arus only after I awoke."

"She's got a point," Lance replied before grinning as he continued, "I would absolutely travel across the galaxy to find you." Typical Lance, always making a move.

But would it make sense? Why would Zarkon track Allura specifically? From what Allura told you a few days ago, Zarkon wasn't even aware of her being alive until Sendak got to Arus, so how would they have planted some sort of tracking device on her?

"It's not you, princess Allura," Keith said, his head hung low as he looked to the team with a look of guilt on his face, "it's me."

"Huh?" You huffed, surprised by what he said. Why would Zarkon track you through him?


"I just think Zarkon must've imprinted on me during our fight or something," he replied, looking around the room uncomfortably. Yeah, there was definitely something weird about this. He was hiding something but you didn't think about it further, listening to the conversation again.

"Look, the thing is, we don't know how Zarkon is tracking us," Pidge said. "For all we know it could be through the Black Lion. Every time Zarkon gets close to it, Shiro has to fight him for control."

Coran got up from where he was kneeling on the ground next to Allura. "That's only when he is nearby. No paladin has ever been able to connect with a lion over a vast distance."

"Yeah well, that doesn't mean it's impossible," you argued. "Besides, Zarkon does have some crazy tech, maybe he found another way to do it."

Coran put a hand to his chin, considering what you said. "Maybe... ."

Shiro spoke up, cutting the discussion short. "Look, it doesn't matter how he's tracking us because we're gonna take the fight to the Galra soon enough. They've been chasing us from galaxy to galaxy, the last thing they expect is for us to come after them."

Pidge was already on her seat tapping on the screen as she analyzed some data. She pushed her glasses up her nose as she said, "I took our list of recent Galra attacks and analyzed it for both commonalities and anomalies among the attack sites." Her glasses reflected the lights from the screen off of them, the numbers and symbols running down the surface of the reflection. "I was hoping to create an algorithm that would, within a statistically acceptable margin of error, provide a list of target-rich Galra environments -color-coded of course, because what are we, animals?"

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