Change of Color

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"(Y/N), where are you?!" Keith yelled through the comms.

You groaned, throwing your head back in frustration. Gray was not responding to you, her particle barrier was active and there was no way for you to enter.

"I'm in the hangar," you replied.

"What?! Get over here!"

You were in the middle of a battle and this was the time Gray was going to act like this? What could you have done to make her shut you out?

"I'm trying! Gray's not responding," you shouted into the comms annoyed before taking your helmet off. You had to go about this another way. You sat down, your head leaning against the barrier as you closed your eyes, trying to concentrate on the feeling of your connection.

"Mh? What's going on Gray? Did I do something to anger you?" you asked, but it felt like she wasn't going to respond anyway. The connection you were going to feel for wasn't even there anymore.

You bit on your lower lip, thinking about the day before the battle with Zarkon, when you stressed about losing Gray after the war was over. She reassured you, but technically didn't say it wouldn't happen. Seemed like that day was here sooner than you expected.

"Is it because I tried for the Black Lion? You know I didn't want the position!"

A few seconds passed, but nothing happened. You let yourself drop on your back, sighing as you thought of what to do. The others needed you in battle, it was already hard enough with the red lion out of formation, but now gray wasn't cooperating as well.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" Allura's voice sounded through the hangar as she made her way to you. You just shook your head in confusion. "I don't know!"

You got up from the ground, standing next to Allura as you looked at your lion. "Gray is shutting me out... What does that even mean? Does she hate me now?"

"I don't know what's happening but I doubt she hates you," she responded, putting a finger to her chin in thought.

"Maybe I did something to make her reject me and now...," you wondered. "Am I not meant to be a paladin anymore?" You asked into the room.

Suddenly, a load roar boomed through the hallways. You snapped your head to Gray but it wasn't her.

"What was that?" you asked, turning to Allura as she looked to the ground in thought. "It's the Red Lion," she then answered. "You must go to it."

"No way," was all you could say in the moment, your brain barely registering what the hell was going on. The Black Lion roared the same way when it accepted Keith as its paladin.

"Maybe she's roaring for you," you concluded but she shook her head.

"I would love nothing more than for that to be true, but I know the Red Lion is not meant for me."

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