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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂Balancing the line between being awake and dreaming always was a weird experience to you

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Balancing the line between being awake and dreaming always was a weird experience to you. On one hand, you could feel things that were just a dream as if they were real; and on the other hand, things that were very real could just feel like a dream. You weren't sure whether or not you were imagining things or if there was a water stream right beside you, but you were slipping in and out of consciousness way too much for you to care right now.

Suddenly something cool hit your face, dripping down the sides of your cheeks. No, this was definitely real. It felt... refreshing. And very much real.

The more you delved into the sensation of the coolness on your face, the more you seemed to come to your senses. The stream sounds were getting clearer and clearer, where were you?

Your eyelids felt like rusted metal, opening just ever so slowly when suddenly, the cold liquid hit your face again. You tightly shut your eyes out of reflex before they fluttered open.

Everything was so bright, your eyes had to adjust before you could make out anything. You groaned, trying to get up in a sitting position.

"Oh, you're finally awake," a deep voice spoke. You flinched in shock, snapping your head to the source of the voice.

Right next to you, only about a meter away, crouched a young man with a concerned expression, his eyes intently on you. "Are you quite alright?" he asked but you didn't reply.

You backed away only for your hand to hit the water behind you. You looked back, you were cornered between the lake and him.

"I have no intention to hurt you," he said, raising his hands and exposing his palms. "Can you speak?"

You cleared your throat, before croaking out, "Who are you and where did you take me?"

You let your gaze quickly wander around your surroundings, scanning the place you were in. It was some kind of forest, almost like the ones on Earth, only that it had more colorful plants around. You wondered if any of them were poisonous. Maybe you could use them to fight the guy in front of you.

The young man smiled, resting his hands on his thighs as he introduced himself. "I'm Cyran Maegoran. Relax, you're safe."

"I'll decide that for myself," you replied, raising one arm in front of you for safety measure. "Where did you take me? Where is my Lion?"

You remembered losing control in the worm hole before everything went black, but you sure as hell didn't exit your Lion. At least you didn't recall doing so and looking at the situation in front of you, it seemed like that Cyran had something to do with it.

You sized him up, analyzing his stature and looks. The most defining feature of his must have been his skin color. That guy was blue all over, at least you assumed so from what was exposed of his skin.

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