The Zirakal pt1

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Ever since meeting Keith again, delivering that message and really putting that plan into work, you've walked around this place with a new found confidence.

You had proven to yourself and the team that you had things under control and that you were capable of holding your own against the Galra.

And so, today you sat on the table of the laboratory again, waiting for the witch to arrive. You swung your legs back and forth, thinking of what you had learned a few minutes prior to arriving at this place.

You overheard the guards talking about the day of the Zirakal, discussing who they learned was to attend; a lot of generals you couldn't remember the names of and some people from outside.

You assumed this meant the day of the event was near. Of course, you had to be prepared for it; really finish the details of the plan.

And when you were brought to the "interrogation"- although it hasn't been a proper one for a while now- the soldier lady confirmed that the Zirakal was to start tonight.

You were surprised to say the least, but looking back, it now made sense why they rushed to accommodate to your wish to see your team. They were running out of time, and now hoping to finally get the information they waited for this whole time.

You fought the urge to smile, you had to look defeated today to really deliver your act. They really thought they finally had you, but you were slowly ruining their plans.

First, you'd escape with the prisoners and when that was done, you'd eventually come back to end every single person that participated. You would make sure to avenge the prisoners for what they had to go through, to avenge Layka and to get the revenge for what they had done to you. You wouldn't rest until that was done.

The familiar click of the door. You quickly let your head drop to the ground, hiding your face.

The last time, today was the last time. You wouldn't have to see this room ever again after that, wouldn't have to see that cold cell and listen to the guards gossip about the prisoners and tease them for fun. You'd definitely get revenge on them too.

"Paladin," the witch said as she made her way into the room.

"Haggar," you replied, looking at her through the hair in front of your face. You slowly brushed them behind the ear, sighing.

"Let's make this quick, shall we? It is your turn to fulfill your part of the deal." She tugged on her robe to pull the hood a little higher, exposing her eyes.

You bit on your lip. "Mhm," you hummed, fiddling with your hands. Was she seeing your "misery" yet? You hoped so. "So, I know they are planning a mission on the Olkari. They're heading there tonight to plan an attack on Zarkon."

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