Plan of attack Pt2

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂"Why is there a grand entrance on the 40th floor? And what's with all the ziplines? You have hover technology!" Slav critiqued the Castle's architecture while he laid on the control panel of the bridge and tapped on icons wi...

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"Why is there a grand entrance on the 40th floor? And what's with all the ziplines? You have hover technology!" Slav critiqued the Castle's architecture while he laid on the control panel of the bridge and tapped on icons with three of his arms. You just entered the room to hear the conversation.

Lance, Shiro and Pidge had just retrieved him from a Galra prison while Hunk and Keith were in the belly of a weblum, whatever that exactly was, looking for more scaultrite. The goal was to create a giant teludav for out plan to attack Galra's central command ship and take him down once and for all, but when you took a closer look at Slav, the scientist people have been talking so highly of, you wondered how all of this was going to work out. You had no doubts it was going to be... interesting, to say the least, though.

Allura had her arms crossed, a look of irritation on her face, as she argued back to the scientist who was messing with her castle controls, "Well, you know what? Ziplines were quite fashionable 10,000 years ago."

The rest of your team entered the control center after you all were done fighting another robeast. It had been an exhausting fight but you were just glad you got it over with and are closer to your next step: Getting to Olkarion, where Coran was at, to finalize the construction of the teludav. Cyran and the other blade members were gathered in the dining hall from what you gathered when you passed by. You were going to join them there shortly as well, your stomach was empty.

"Allura, have you heard from Coran?" Keith asked as he took off his helmet, waiting for her answer.

She did not turn around as she shortly answered "Yes." It was clear as day that she did not want to talk to him because of what was revealed a few hours ago. You felt bad, especially because you promised Keith that you'd all be on his side no matter what and here Allura was, shutting him out.

Just like he feared. You were trying to understand Allura's point of view as well but you really expected better of her. How was this Keith's fault in any way? At least you now knew not to promise things on other behalfs anymore.

You saw his face fall, a look of sadness displayed on his features as his eyes looked to the ground.

"So we ready to pop through the wormhole and get back to Olkarion?" Lance asked.

Immediately, Allura's demeanor shifted to an enthusiastic one as she turned around. "Yes!" she replied, "I've checked with Coran and the teludav is making great progress."

You slanted your eyes at her, your mouth agape as you stared at Allura. Was she seriously going to act like this?

"Hunk, thank you for getting the scaultrite," she thanked Hunk, clasping her hands together. Hunk smiled in appreciation before furrowing his eyebrows.

"You know, Keith was there too," he pointed out but all Allura had left for Keith was a distrusting glare. She stared for a few seconds before walking off.

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